4.8 Update (Patch Notes)

Oh yeah. lol


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How in the hell are you claiming to do 120 dmg to all with pho??

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42 damage, with a +16 makes it 58. Doubled cause red storm makes it 116.

This is start of the battle, no explosions or anything either, so it can be higher or lower as well depending on red gems on board


I forgot the bonus from board setup, but are you running a multi-Nysha medal set to have your magic stat so high without elite bonuses?

Thats 2 Nysha yeah. Heirophant is better than Sunspear to run it cause it gives a +3 to magic as well.

All my bonuses for that team:


Well done on both sides. I honestly am shocked we get the revert.

Now that the content that was taken away has been restored, we can focus on what’s been added!

I think the event medals are a huge improvement over having event troops. With like two exceptions, Raid/Invasion troops were only useful in their event, meaning you had to spend all those gems and traitstones for essentially no long term benefit, beyond the rewards earned for the event. Event medals converting to Medals of Seasons give you something that contributes towards long-term progress, making the steep investment more palatable and reducing the up-front costs.

We’ll have to see if the new events can get away from the mind-numbing repetitiveness that raids/invasions are known for. (ToDs are a little bit more varied, thanks to the larger troop pool, but still are pretty repetitive.) I have some hope, given that the devs seem to want to focus more on limiting team composition, and less on sheer stat scaling to provide difficulty. Wait and see mode, I guess.

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I… have concerns… about the new scoring methods.

So, the new multi-type restriction probably has a corresponding multi-kingdom restriction. Weapon restrictions are now a thing, and troop roll restrictions are too. My question here is: What are troop roll restrictions going to look like?

  1. “No Generators”
  2. “No more than {X} Generators”
  3. “Only Generators”

I worry that “No Generators,” will get paired with 4&5-match scoring, to get us to drag fights for as long as possible.

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These awful new medal design kind of remind me when the change of UI happened a few years ago. From something nice we went into something ugly (still not swallowed the horrible little blue/black/white icons on the world map menu after all these years). Now these new medals looks like they were the beta version of the better looking medals we had before.

So Im wondering: is it really a smart use of available time for a little team like IP2 to change perfectly fine looking medals into something ugly?

Meanwhile there are bugs/translation mistakes waiting to be corrected since years… (80-80-82-85-85 points wrongly displayed in highest levels of class event… deep king dealing true splash damage but in french version, the poor french translator is unable to understand that the word “true” is missing…)


Just posting to say thank you for listening & changing Sunspear back.

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I truly miss the old Nysha medal. That thing looked so awesome.


If it wasn’t for raid/invasion troops we would probably have now 1 or 2 less stars in every kingdom. Once you’ve medalled every epic troop that you actually use what good are more epic medals?

You can dbl them up for 1st medal on legendary troops that you use and thus economise on anu etc. It’s a bit like how we levelled up all common weapons etc and use the excess to forge higher epic ingots in particular (via rare and ultra rare).

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Retroactively, yeah that’s a fair point. Moving forward though, we don’t need troops as badly, and I’d rather have a chance of getting a decent troop, rather than getting a troop with almost no chance of being used after the event.

Plus, getting the medals will provide immediate benefits for newer players; the payoffs for kingdom stars is often months away.

Almost every kingdom now currently is only held up from next star by only 1 troop. With no more raid/invasion troops that means 2 kingdoms PER MONTH will be missing out on gaining a star.
Personally I would rather get more gems per tribute than some barely useful medals. I will only be buying tier 2 in the new events instead of tier 4-6 like I have been in raid/invasion. This will make up for the gems I will be missing from potential tribute I guess.

I don’t intend to comment on the matter, but kyudos to @kafka for the patience and diplomacy.


Ok, but:

a) this only immediately affects the top, what, 5% of players? Factoring the diminishing returns on higher kingdom star levels, we are not talking about a big impact, compared to a large portion of the playerbase instantly getting significant stats or the ability to medal higher-rarity troops. And,

b) the change isn’t really a loss of content; it’s more slowing the rate of content release. Put differently, you aren’t permanently losing the ability to max out kingdom stars, it’s just going to happen slower than it has been. Seems like a small trade-off, in exchange for a new benefit to the majority of the player base.


Here is a wild guess: eventually, medaled troops will be required for kingdom progression. That makes any source of medals useful.