4.8 Update (Patch Notes)

I said this on stream, and was told its too crowded and therefore cant go there.

I highly disagree, and think it needs to be linked to each team rather than 3 global 1s. Need more space, make another tab for medals like is there for Troops, Weapon, Banners, Class, Bonuses and Pets.

Hell, replace Pets and add a seperate menu for Pets elsewhere if you really wanted to.


Perma-storms are bad design as it totally screw the storm mechanic (i.e. cast it then disappear after 8 turns).

It seems a nerf to Phoenica so you cannot have a perma x2 bonus :thinking:. But nerfing Phoenica will have an even worst feedback from the playerbase. Just a guess :wink: .

Just say the 3rd trait made one team too powerful and skewed the game economy too much. A nerf is a nerf, why lie about it? Especially with the 2nd trait being exactly same as talent. Sure, players would have been mad about it, but maybe you get little less shit when you dont lie to playerbase like that.


I see you edited your post… oh well :poop: :arrow_right: :cyclone:

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So what I’m hearing is that if more people complain that you broke something amazing in the game you’ll put it back. You got it. Do a tally. How many more complaints do you need? Do we start a petition? Let’s get this fixed. Tell us what we have to do?


Let me also reiterate to anyone saying this is an intentional nerf - this is what was in the patch notes as the official reason behind the change currently. If the perma firestorm was for whatever reason deemed too strong and needed to be intentionally, there should have been a mention that it was too strong in certain setups.

Why is this important? If the stated reason for a change does not match the actual reason behind it, trying to make a logical argument that has anything to do with the stated reason behind the change is completely futile. If that is the case, any reasoned, logical argument would be about as effective as just directionless complaining and vitriol being spouted.

Until the time where it is stated “perma firestorm was deemed too powerful”, I’m going to proceed under the assumption that this was not the core reason behind the change. If it turns out that it is, I will be very sad… not just because I vehemently disagree that this is “too powerful”, but because I wasted my time giving feedback centered around why you said the change was made that had exactly zero chance of actually resonating because the whole time I should have been arguing “this is why this trait is not too powerful”.

For the record, I also vehemently disagree with the notion that the original Heatwave trait is “too similar” to one of the talents at one of the levels and that warranted this change. The Heatwave trait is unique in that it refreshes and overwrites enemy starting storms, something that has been gaining even importance as troops with starting storms get added and theres is more content where you are intended to go beyond four turns (very likely a lot of the new content). The correct response to this initial “too similar” feedback would have “no change necessary, because it isn’t”. The Fire Tree does not need to be considered to be swapped out even, although you are kinda pigeonholed to the one talent that does not do something at that level and it doesn’t do much, there are a lot of classes with talent tiers that do even less with even the best of three picks. Basically, the old Heatwave may have invalidated firestarter (and nature’s aura), but firestarter is not a replacement for the old Heatwave.

This is in contrast to the initial pre-release Stormcaller talent issue, which was a literal copy paste of Chaos Storm, where I’m glad feedback was taken to change it to our now current version of a perma lightstorm. The chief complaint there was not only “this is too similar” but “this is literally exactly the same and the current version is actually detrimental to most setups.” And, even if you did want to build around this “Totally Not Chaos Storm”, you could have used one of the other multiple classes that already had Chaos Storm, which would have not only left the class with a dead trait slot, but with not really any unique tools. The original trait was invalidated by one of the talents that did the same thing but better, because it could be turned off. By giving it a perma lightstorm, it gained something to set it apart from the rest - an identity - and dealt with the similarity. The irony is, by reducing Heatwave to a double link to deal with this “similarity” you’ve taken away this identity from Sunspear.

Would I be opposed to Stormcaller gaining the old Heatwave going forward as a solve? Personally, yes. I still think Phoenicia’s Firestorm specific condition is silly but I don’t like it when any setups get taken off the table. Drop the turn, not disabling AoEs are only applicable in certain situations. Phoenicia’s damage is not singularly lethal on stuff you couldn’t farm already, even with stacked medals. (Side note, her damage output relative to enemy health pools sort of reminds me of Gaard’s Avatar, lots of two-shot setups, one-shot setups being relegated to “punching down”). Making her synergize with the stryx classes unique class tools by changing her storm condition (to all storms, preferably) I believe is far more important than forcing the stryx tools to synergize with her (even though Phoenicia technically came first). She’d still be better with a firestorm, fitting thematically, because it would mean more red gems for her boost. I don’t think we should be taking any setups off the table unless there is a very good reason to do so, and the (fallacious) “too similar” argument is not that reason. And if it was seriously just Phoenicia/Sunspear setups that were actually too powerful, well, that would make it a nerf… which really should have been stated from the start. But following that reasoning, it also means that the nerf was extremely misdirected.

There are plenty of classes that don’t have a strong identity associated with the trait that could do with gaining the double link traits. I’d prefer something a bit more unique, but it is what it is, a lot of the unusable classes mostly suffer from the problem that all their trees combined don’t really have any singular choices and don’t significantly interact with the third trait, which would continue to be true even with a double link. Realistically, the entirety of weaker trees need to be addressed to have some kind of identity in an of themselves, so that a bunch more two-tree combos interact with each other in a way that can be usable (and bonus if they also interact with the trait). But perma-firestorm belongs on Sunspear.

Side note, what I really dislike about this situation is now I feel a nagging feeling to go on threads that suggest bad ideas like changing Heatwave away from a firestorm to say why they are bad ideas to they won’t be taken as serious actionable feedback representative of the playerbase. I’m sure others feel the same way but might be less… diplomatic.


Forgive me if I missed a response in here, but I am experiencing the achievement bug Reach 20,000 Renown.
I am currently at 22,295 after finishing Wild Court today after the rollout of the patch. When I started, I was at about 600 Wild Court renown.
I play on Xbox, let me know if you need anymore info.
Thanks in advance

changes that nobody liked
useless talents
characteristics that are terrible and useless
4.8 a disaster
As a veteran this game begins to get boring and decadent. :-1: :-1:

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@Swarly it’s not fixed yet sorry, we had to forward the issue to our publisher who will be in contact with Xbox to get the issue with the achievement fixed sorry!

Fingers crossed we can get this working as intended soon

No worries, I don’t forum a whole lot or as much as I used to in other much older games. Just wanted to get you as much info as could to help on your end.


Honestly I’m still upset, too, because what harm was Phoenicia-farming causing? People weren’t using Cedric on that team, were they, or using her past Level 5ish?

So less gold than can be made in other ways, and none of the best tokens earned, either. SURE: a bunch of trophies gained—trophies that confer no in-game bonuses but only bragging rights—but again: *where is the problem to the economy of the game if Phoenicia teams really are the reason for the nerf?

And as Mithran has eloquently explained: this is the only reason that really makes any sense at all for why the change would occur. Because the stated reason can’t be reconciled with the fact the second trait is literally the same as another talent.

And even the hastily re-written reason makes no sense (sentence structure aside — edited in a rush, clearly, to end up with “it’s Legendary Trait is the conflicts… …really?) because the talent and the trait did not conflict. They complimented each other by ensuring the player could maintain his or her firestorm by preventing other storms from over-writing it!


Why is everyone claiming it was done because of low level speed farming?? For low level stuff nothing has changed… you start with a firestorm and almost always finish the battle turn 1 anyhow… unless of course the devs really are that clueless and thought this was a solution to stop low level farming… but also there are other builds that can be just as quick for low level content…


Oh my god STOP comparing sunspear to corsair… we could very easily say that before it was more in line with stormcaller, but why does any class have to fall in line with any other?? And people have complained for far longer and louder about so many other examples of much worse and actual duplicate and otherwise useless aspects of classes, troops, and weapons that you guys completely ignore, so why such swift action taken here to destroy what was one of the best classes??? Just seems like a load of nonsensical deception and vague dishonest excuses and distractions…


Scoring for the events sounds like it could be more down to luck than skill in some cases. Particularly

They may score off of items dropped by your enemies

And as many have mentioned: making especially team events only last a weekend sounds rather punishing.

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When i click on text size it happens

Restarting the game fixes it but it keeps coming back.

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I’d like to point out this hidden disaster waiting to happen. Event means sigils, means limited amount of games. Making scoring based on the number of certain colored or 4+ matches requires prolonging those limited battles for as long as possible, milking each one for hours on end, for a whole week. This isn’t just boring, it’s the epitome of boringness, guaranteed to make bad feelings skyrocket. Please, PLEASE bury this idea while the damage isn’t done yet.


I get that, but imagine one your work perks is “Free coffee all day” and then during your end-of-the-year review you get told “you’ve done such a good job, you can now get free coffee once a day”. And you’re obviously like “but uhh… wasn’t I getting free coffee all day already?” and the reply is “oh yes, you’re right. So from now on, you get free coffee once a day, but you can get free sugar whenever you want”.

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Don’t forget the one cup a day will sometimes just be water :slight_smile:

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this is hardly the same thing… this is how it works if you guys obviously don’t understand it (should really play the game before making some half assed associated likeness of things) lets say you bring sunspear up against a troop (or class) that starts with a storm, now your firestorm is overwritten, not to mention the firestorm fades in a few turns INSTEAD of staying constant… on the otherhand the new lackluster horseshit talent gives us a whopping 2 extra red mana per match futher boosted by the talent it “OVERLAPS” that gives an additional 1 red mana on match… this change honestly makes me want to play the game less, good job devs


So, all in all, I believe that we can all agree that this happened because non of the devs play the game and not even allow beta testers to see what they want to do with the game.


Since the devs don’t like long answers I’ll try to avoid a TL;DR :
:sunny: :cat: :arrow_right: :poop: