4.6.5 Update Patch Notes

No matter what percentage… It still never makes sense to disenchant away your only copy of a troop. Which in a world where the word debate can be debated.
This is one matter that is undebatable.
Yet… Here we are… :man_shrugging:


Oh also I completely thought I was in a different tab, thus misunderstood the context of the conversation. So uh, with the correct context I wouldn’t have made the argument I did.

Tbh, I had always thought denoting a color of troop to be killed was exactly their previous purpose (aside from Treasure Hunt weeks, I guess).

Imo the confusion would come from (1) retaining an old visual from a system that no longer exists (creating the question, “Why am I still getting Event stones if there are no more weekly events?”) and (2) the complete lack of explanation or corresponding visual on the top task in the Adventure Board. The (2)nd thus requires players to make the causal leap on their own, which doesn’t always happen straightaway even for the best and brightest.

(Possible actionable solutions after reading:

  • New visual – probs not necessary though, tbh, if actioning (2) below
  • Explanation and/or corresponding visual next to the AB top task – e.g. “Kill 150 Purple Enemies :beginner:(?)” with the ‘(?)’ (the standard help icon in GoW, which should perhaps be an (i) as @Starlite once pointed out) explaining something along the lines of, “Refers to any of a troop’s Mana colors, and this symbol :beginner: will appear next to applicable troops/troops you should kill.”)

What did we get to replace it then? Seems more tedious to have to remember what color you’re going for and to have look at each troop to see which ones match that color. The old way you could just scout for the stones.

It’ll be at least another month before RNG will favor me enough to see the new adjustment for myself.
Probably 2 months now since I questioned the change.

Of all the “confusing” things in gems of war. Snotstones are what get addressed. :grin:


If the Devs want to help players avoid or mitigate poor choices, surely I will soon be able to remove the ‘Stealthy’ trait from my Bandits?




Looks like snotsnotes are still present (for me, at least).
And may that never change - this is one thing that’s actually good and needs no fixing.

@Saltypatra, would you please, elaborate on that “confusion they were causing” and “different from previous purpose” part?
With the old system we got snotstone on every troop if it was a simple “kill troops” task and snotstones on color troops only if it was “kill color troops” task.
These days I see snotstones when “kill color troops” task is active and - to me, at least, - it looks exactly like the purpose snotstones had before or am I missing something?


See now we’re just more confused…!


I don’t care, I want them back. I like the purpose they serve now.

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Here’s another way to look at it (but I agree with you).

Every bit of code in a codebase adds a bit of complexity. Leaving in a feature means it’s there, and it still interacts with things, and that interaction is behavior that might break or cause unexpected side effects with other things. So it’s always a good exercise for a dev to aggressively remove code related to features that aren’t wanted anymore.

But I do agree these were at least useful for reminding me when I had that color-based task that it was worth some extra effort that day. IMO most of the “confusion” was because people who remembered what snotgems used to be for weren’t sure if it meant that they came back. A better solution than “remove them” would be to have some kind of other icon.

My Medal of Nysha bonus doesn’t appear on the Active Medal Traits.

The stat ones don’t; they appear as a separate box when viewing the centre card, like the 10% weekly event bonuses do and team bonuses, Delve stats, etc.

Thanks Jonathan. They appear there, in the right card I see only Anu and Cedric though.

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I had the same initial confusion as well :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

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