4.3 in screenshots

Oh ok cool, I assumed the 0.02% included all the other drops but it doesn’t. So 1:7143 I guess it is.

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This is very interesting and I wonder why it hasn’t been brought up before actually. Blatant false advertising.

If—there is the possibility that server-side odds don’t match published odds. Also, after what I did upthread I can’t get too mad about the devs calling 7 and 10 the same.


Afaik, there are no officially published odds? :thinking: (Edit: Oh right, you mean the published, “10x chance for Mythics!” :man_facepalming:)

No, I actually did mean the odds at Taransworld. They aren’t official, but they are the best we have right now—and they are published.

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To some degree you’re right that I’m making this seem worse than it is, since a large portion of the population isn’t really affected:
People who still need traitstones.
People who don’t play enough to hit the limits on useful glory spending.
People who don’t see glory keys as very low value.
People who don’t chase the ascension leaderboard (the very point of this game to me), including a need to get legendaries to mythic.

Commons and rares in event keys are a good change for most people. I’ve already trained hundreds of people on resource strategies to get around it. I’m the reason TUF guilds are full of hoarders. The change removes the advantage for those that plan ahead and levels the playing field.

In my resource system, event keys were for chasing legendaries. Mythics are more a secondary directive. As a highly active player, I haven’t had trouble getting a new mythic when I wasn’t taking a break from the game since I started hoarding over 2 years ago. This what @Jonathan also points out.

Use ascension orbs?! I am so unlucky with those (other than the last 2 weeks). I still don’t have zuul and it will take months before I do. I’ve even paid for ascension orbs ($10 for 1 ascension orb in a flash sale and $10 for 5 vault keys that got me another one). I feels like ascension orbs are more like 5% instead of the 15% I’ve heard for their drop rate other than my first lucky week. I’ve gone over a month without an ascension orb before, while finishing all events and getting on many leaderboards.

This goes back to the streaky RNG which seems like they are reusing their random seed or something. If a random outcome happens, the next occurrence seems more likely to be the same outcome. At least, that’s what I’ve observed. Last week was my first ascension streak since orbs were released many months ago.

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But you forget you still can get gold and gems with glory keys and if you wait for the exclusive mythic week you get more option to catch it

I catched the last 3 mythic with glory chests

Sure and I can get gold and gems with gold keys too. I didn’t forget. They’re both at such a low rate that they aren’t a major factor in my resource strategies. I also included glory keys in my key spend order for new mythic weeks. I used to conserve glory keys for new cities, but they’re valid for chasing mythics to some extent.

High LT guilds will have a major advantage regarding legendaries because of the event keys in LTs. I hope I figure out another solution besides switching from a guild I help re-found.

Maybe getting a perfect collection won’t free me from my addiction to this game anyway. I should probably just forget about it. That second novel won’t write itself.

Can someone tell me when the update is coming

Tonight EST
Tomorow EURO

When about time

Usually around 8-9 pm EST

There we go right on time

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The changes look really nice, but two things came to my eyes until now bother me.

  1. No new archievements???
  2. Im in all delves far over level 100 but the pictures for delves infiltration level 100 didn t unlock?!

Any ideas if 1 will still come in the nextdays and for 2 if this is a bug?

This was brought up back in beta. For whatever reason, its working as intended. Players have to reclear a delve once in each faction of at least level 100 for the portrait to unlock. :man_shrugging:

The patch notes list 3 achievements but no platforms have them yet.

actually I was on PS4 right when the update released and I updated it and the trophies were already there. I got all three of them

Yeah and new weapons are old weapons…


bruh I got proof you want it?

Indeed on ps4 they work (unless there are 3 more i missed :stuck_out_tongue:)

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