3.5 update screenshots (part 2)

Hmm this new city sytem looks interesting but now stars was added by leveling troops through souls … If new system means upgraded by task i would like refound all troops to level 1 And all cyties to level 1… because it would be more fun exploring new system from zero.

You will be able to to test on new kingdom lol

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there will be new kingdoms you will get your chance

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Yes i know that but when Will be new city? … Now i have all on 5-6 stars

Better level them all to 9 stars while you can lol

New system will slow you down for sure


First few stars look like they will take a lot longer for newer players. Weapon bottlenecks for kingdoms start appearing as low as two stars and seven fully traited troops as one of the four star requirements - these are much more difficult for newer players and fundamentally change the rate of early game progression by time gating it. I have no doubt I’ll be fine, sitting at endgame and only having to worry about new kingdoms being on this system and future upgrades (in other words, largely ignoring any requirements until they are just automatically granted to me because I don’t have any influence on when and how I get them), but this pretty heavily progression gates newer accounts.

The way the new kingdom stars system is designed very clearly has drastically different progression gates, particularly for newer players upgrading older kingdoms. Changing the way kingdom stars work to be more tightly gated was more than likely the main goal here, while the opportunity presented to also make it easier to understand and was rightfully seized. Which, in and of itself, is a valid goal, that might, in fact, make for a better long term in experience - some may be frustrated by the new pacing, but having it spread out amongst several things is likely way more engaging to others and more conducive to a long term experience for those just starting and possibly even some people at endgame.


The ones hardest hit will be those in their first couple months into several months, those that are still farming souls to get their (previously) trivial five stars out of the way are now faced with a huge mountain to climb by instead requiring hundreds of arcane traitstones (rather than just being able to cherry pick easy traits and level surplus troops for points) to reach the same goal, and any planning they had for future goals to be heavily sidelined. We haven’t been directly shown the requirements for seven and nine star kingdoms yet, but it is a fair bet these are tighter as well. Anybody working toward these slowly over time have already been shown the easier path they can take, but might not have had enough time to grind out all the requirements before watching it disappear. This, combined with the “surprise, update NOW!, hope you got those last minute upgrade done because now theres more requirements to get the same stuff as before!”, I would completely understand if some people were a bit irritated. Now they get to sit in progression purgatory while weapon stuff (or pets, or whatever added requirement the game throws in there that didn’t exist before) slowly trickles in and they can kick past the next bottleneck to get that thing they were already working toward.

tl;dr: The thing that probably bothers me the most about the kingdom stars changes is the repeated insistence that it was all done for clarity and because people didn’t understand the old system (without any mention that it just just happens to make the same stars much more difficult), when in reality the impetus was more than likely to make progression tightly gated and connect better with their newer systems, which required a revamp, and this was also a good time to make it clearer. Or, put simply, clarity may have been a reason, but it certainly wasn’t the reason, or the system would have been much closer in total requirements to what we had before, with any new requirements being tacked on to yet unreachable power levels.


This is exactly what we intended. There’s no mathematical equation or room for error when trying to understand where you are in terms of your kingdom power. This way it’s easily laid out and accessible.

Don’t forget about the introduction of Orbs, which can help new players progress in ways that were not available for end gamers.

Obviously this does not address the other bottlenecks like weapons, classes, pets etc (especially if they don’t exist for the kingdom yet!)

As an aside is Orb of Clans really the second best orb to get for end gamers?

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Since I don’t currently have Dhrak-Zum 6 stars, should I push it quickly or are the rewards still the same, meaning +50 gold daily? If so, I won’t mind.

If existing Kingdom Stars are being Grandfathered - what happens if you want to get the next level progression but have not achieved the preceeding requirements (say getting two kingdom weapons)?
Can I still advance or will I need to back-fill the requirements in order to progress further (so I get the advantage of the higher kingdom level now, but can’t advance until I have all the requirements met as a newer player would)?


You can advance, until the next requirement requires kingdom weapons.

I went to http://www.ask8ball.net/ for you and it said don’t count on it. Hope that helps.


I was totally not expecting a full rework on Kingdom stars. Currently I have all the stars maxed except Dhrak-Zum. If I don’t get it to 6 stars today, I might be locked out of something I don’t even know.

Or should I just give up on this stupid game? Could you ask that from the all mighty Oracle also?

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And once upon a time non-console players thought mass disenchant was awesome until ascension was added.,

I asked the oracle if you should quit. Magic 8 ball, not me.

My reply is no

OK, can’t quit then. So now to decide whether to blast 3 mythics worth of keys on hoping to gain a now useless 6th star on a Kingdom. The all mighty said “don’t count on it”. So what’s “it”? My luck? Or the upcoming update? I already don’t count on anything except blasting the siht out of my soul here in the internet forums. I need to take a long walk now.

Definitely don’t blow any resources for a 6th star.

I was currently working on getting kingdoms to 5 star…it was a grind as is…with new update I’m going to have to spend hours farming arcanes for one specific troop at a time…them the leveling x amount of troops to 20? 20 is mythic correct? I have one mythic I just got yesterday due to orb of ascension…they don’t drop in chest and I rarely get copies of legendaries…there needs to be a balance here as this new method is nearly game breaking if u not an end game player or trying to spend an entire paycheck per month to keep up


I’ve over 100k seals saved for the never coming new guild guardians lol


The new kingdom star system feels like it is desperately missing some wiggle room. The old system allowed for some progression choice, like going for troop levels prior to traits. Now we get a hard progression lock, not meeting one of the sometimes obscure requirements prevents all progress.

An example? Hero classes have been around for almost two years. We’ve got roughly a dozen of them now, with more than 30 kingdoms around. Unless the release cycle speeds up in an utterly breathtaking way, 9 stars (and higher!) will remain impossible to obtain for most kingdoms for years to come. The most annoying part about this is that unlocking a hero class is very trivial, new accounts can do it within a day, so you’d expect this to be an early star requirement. It just ended up at such a high level as ultimate roadblock because there seem to be no plans to add (or even design) the missing classes any time soon.

Throwing all existing kingdom progression tasks (e.g. “Own 12 kingdom troops”, “Own 16 kingdom troops”, “Own 20 kingdom troops”) into one pool and granting a power level for every three completed would fix the artificial bottlenecks. I suspect it’s not going to happen though, the new system is such a massive nerf to tribute development by capping kingdom at 8 stars, it’s unlikely to not be intentional.


I agree with most things you wrote. But putting all tasks into a pool has two consequences that make it less likely to happen:

(1) By showing 30+ tasks all the time, it can lead to analysis paralysis as players don’t know which tasks are easiest to focus on.
(2) Instead of tracking three variables per kingdom per player (which of the current tasks are complete), there are now thirty (which ones out of every possible task are complete). Or, the game needs to run thirty checks on progression every time the player chooses the Kingdom Power tab, which comes with a cost also. This will only get worse as new kingdom power levels become available, and we have seen designs for blue, purple, and gold stars in addition to the clear and white we have right now.