3.4 Preview - Pets video

I don’t know that we can confirm that it’s every 100 levels. We’ve just seen the one at level 100 (and a note that says we get small gem rewards at milestones along the way).

As for the calendar(s), it appears that they will be replacing the login bonus we currently get each day. We don’t know if our guild rank will still increase them (I’m guessing they do get replaced and not increased).

In the video, Sirrian states that “every” 100 levels gives you a greater chaos orb.


What she said… :point_up:


But it’s still ambiguous whether he means “every pet that you level to 100” (meaning mastery levels are capped at 100), or “every pet that you level to a multiple of 100” (meaning mastery levels are uncapped or at least have a higher cap).

Does pet mastery apply to each individual pet, or is it a global measure of how much you have advanced all of your pets?


Thanks for the clarifications! The video didn’t have CC and I’m at work so I miss anything that is said and not shown.

Individual pets cap out at 20, so it should be the sum of all pet levels reaching a 100 threshold.

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I assume it is global because the pet mastery graphic is shown in the overall pet tab not in individual pet tabs.


It is a global level.
Individual pets max at Level 20, like everything else in GoW.
So you would need 5 pets maxed to get your first GREATER ORB. :wink:


the copy paste gem shop from the other 3 gem sinks we just got last patch makes me not care about this patch at all tbh.


Can we get pet gnome troop from vault?

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My best guess, possibly in 3.4. But a clarification would be nice indeed, Goodwill.

It was no stated but the shop should be for the weekly new pet that will be launched every week. The tier 3 will be a necessary buy to get at least a single copy of the new pet. My guess is that they will launch the bulk of the cosmetic pets in the initial launch. The weekly pets will probably be the resource / buff pets. Tier 3 would appear to be the optimum weekly buy.

You get the new pet guaranteed if you finish all 8 battles on Pet Rescue day. Tier 3 is just the backup option for low levels that can’t finish it.


Thanks for this nugget! I was going to add Tier 5 would be the 2nd optimum point as it allows the 1st ascension. This might be worth buying for the resource pets.

In sirrian video you can see it’s writted sums of all pets

Edit: nevermind it’s another thing in rescue pet

Skimming the video and the thread, I think some elements of the pets system are being overlooked.

In a nutshell, the pet system is essentially duplicating the process of pulling for new legendaries/mythics when they appear, using “tiers” to duplicate buying keys with gems while granting guarantees of small numbers of pets to incentivize each purchase. The giant tell of this is in the few seconds when the shop screen is scanned through.

From the video, we know that it takes 31 copies of the pet (around 3:15 in the video) to max out a pet. Thirty-one copies of a pet is going to be next to impossible to get from pure RNG alone, given the size of the pet pool and that the size of the draw pool will only get larger and larger.

So… enter Pet Rescue events. In these events, the pet pool will be limited to just the featured pet. One copy is guaranteed upon a full clear to unlock the pet at level 1. To “ascend” the pet, the player needs 5, 15, or 30 additional copies of the pet. Very similar to Godslayers/Siegebreakers, buying Tiers grants more copies of the pet to “guarantee” ascendancy (note on the tier windows where it says Pet times X, and then below it says Get X of guaranteed in the flavor text, with X being the same number). There’s also baskets, which appear to be random chances to get additional copies of that pet (likely gives food otherwise, which is close to meaningless if the pet can’t be ascended - hello, reskinned orbs of growth). It is best to think of baskets as Event keys that are locked to Pet Rescue mode used to try to pull extra copies of a given pet.

With plenty of pets in the pool, and a once a week selection, the devs can likely go an entire year before needing to duplicate the same pet’s event (again, similar to Godslayers/Siegebreakers). Which means, that if you like a pet and want to max it out, you have to buy-in on that pet’s specific event, or near forever hold your peace).

But… those bonuses are weak and lame, is what people are saying. They’re not wrong. BUT… they stack, and in the future pets with duplicate buffs will appear to buff those numbers further. And surely, there will be power creep with pets as well to encourage players to buy-in in the future.

And then… for those at the top, there’s the issue of inefficiencies. Because everything stacks with each other, the cumulative effect of non-maxed out pets will start creating power gaps. 1% missed there, 2% missed here, 1% missed over there because I’m trying to save gems this week… Over time, those inefficiencies WILL start adding up and will become significant in PvP/Guild Wars.

The devs know exactly what they are doing with this new pets system.


They never have to duplicate an event because they can always create a new pet, and if they can’t think of anything unique, they’ll make it cosmetic.

Yeah they want us to use all gems we got so we feel forced to buy gems with real money if we want to keep the pace


The credit goes all to @Kafka for this fantastic video!