3.4 - Enough is Enough

We would like to do more beta testing in the future and perhaps I can help out Salty a bit more there. Beta testing depends quite heavily on our schedule and we need the game to be a certain way before we can send it to players versus what we might ship to our QA team (where we can give the QA team a certain things to test, and develop incrementally, whereas we have to give you an entire mostly-finished-product before we can even start getting a little feedback to improve on)

Battle loading issues -

The first few battles might be a bit rocky as the game redownloads some things, but after the first battle are you still having issues @RiverSong? Is the app taking longer than 30 seconds to load the battles? If you have completely reinstalled (deleted and redownloaded) the app it should be working. For Android users, clearing App Cache befoe Reinstalling has proved extra effective.

To remove the myth, we definitely do have a QA team, and they definitely do test things! We actually didn’t come across this issue during testing. Unfortunately things will not always be the same on a development version of the game as they are live. This is the nature of free-to-play game development.

Please don’t forget to contact support with ‘Missing Rewards’ if you are missing something due to an issue, we are happy to help :slight_smile: You can also reach out to 505 support for account recovery, they might be a bit quicker!

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