3.2 Known Issues (PC/Mobile/Console)

Ya I thought last night it was off so I have been tracking today and so far it’s missing the kingdoms that are adding tribute.

Last three tributes have been (all my kingdoms are at 10 + 6, 7 or 8 stars)

8 kingdoms - 768
9 kingdoms - 924
8 kingdoms - 643

And I have been tracking last month because I thought they had become less than previous (3.1 to 3.5)

Here’s similar day 9/10
10 kingdoms - 8658
7 kingdoms - 5191
5 kingdoms - 2567

Will send pictures of the next two tributes

UPDATE 3pm 10/19:

Two pulls and pictures of the kingdom view (with the total amount current) - picture of tributes - and then picture of after tribute - shows it’s JUST the tribute screen not adding in the other kingdom tributes for gold as suspected.

I will send a bug report in so they have the pictures.