3.2 Hotfix is Here

It’s just… sad. Really sad. Seeing this new UI compared to the old one almost hurts.

But what does it matter, all our negative comments here, on FB, google store… The devs got apparently HUGE positive feedback in private messages and Sony and Microsoft enjoy their game more now, so there will be no coming back.

Also, there aren’t a lot of places where a blind graphic designer can work, so we should appreciate that the devs are giving people a chance.


Their fans support them in the mail!

Also: should someone inform them that Sony and Microsoft don’t give a fig for their game and our enjoyment?
Sony and MS already have those gamers, they bought their consoles. Once there they have a lot more games to choose from.
“This attracts more new players” doesn’t mean “This will keep new players in the game”. This will just movement statistics. Sony and MS keep count of games bought and downloaded, not of games deleted or thrown in the trashbin.

And what do Sony and MS think of a game that needs continual hotfixes because it keeps breaking things that didn’t need to be touched?

…But seriously: white font on yellow? Really?


Thank you. Visibility is so much better now. It’s not optimal for everything but I guess we simply need something we can still complain about :wink:

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Wouldn’t it be more simpler to just allow players to customize these fonts and colors from their own settings instead? I can’t stand that flashing green icon. More tolerable before the dumb flash add-on. Who thought that up? Oh I know, someone who is doing everything they can to keep their job. Oh let’s add this. Oh, okay, let’s replace that now. You need me to do this with that. And when customers complain, their answer, ‘At least I have job’.

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Guess the reward and win a prize!

(The prize is PRIZE_NAME.)


One thing driving this switch to a generic font is the desire for more localizations (foreign language translations) of the game. I’m guessing there’s no Chinese version of the font from the old UI. However, given how hard it is to read things in English in the new font, I can’t imagine how difficult it will be to read Chinese characters.

The visibility of stats on the troops is better with this hotfix, but there are still multiple problems:

  1. The mana stats are still hard to read (as shown by Mithran above).
  2. The stats cover the troop art (also demonstrated above), and featuring the art was supposed to be one reason for the change.
  3. The trait banners blend into the troop art, especially the blue third trait on a blue sky background. (See Captain Skullbeard for one of the worst examples.) Maybe they can add yet another dark gradient behind the banners to obscure more of the card art.
  4. The kingdom logos on the troops are gone, because by removing the borders, there’s no good place to put it.
    …and I’m sure there are more, just in terms of the troops.
    Almost all of these issues could be solved by bringing back the borders around the troop art, even if they modernize the border somehow.

Honestly, if I wasn’t in such a good guild (DruidsVale/DruidsGlade), I would quit playing for a few months to skip the “beta testing” phase of the Unity + new UI rollout.


Actually, regarding Number 4 on your comment, two fellow players on here had some good ideas. They posted them in either this thread or the original feedback/suggestions for 3.2 thread.

My apologies to both of them for not remembering their usernames on here, but one of them suggested a kingdom icon/symbol on the top right (across from the mana cost/color) to indicate kingdom. And the other suggested putting “Homeland: [insert kingdom name here]” on the small border on the bottom of the 3 traits card when you looking at each troop (hope that made sense). I think both are great ideas. I think having both would be cool. Kingdom icon for a little more flare and it written out on the 3 traits card for those of us that have a hard time figuring out the icons for each kingdom (like me. Lol.)

As for what you said about quitting, I’m right there with you. Only reason I haven’t quit yet is because of my Guild and the fact I’m a high level player who’s put real money into this game and I don’t want to see it wasted. If I was a new player, and only knew this UI, I would have downloaded the game, played for maybe an hour, said “ehh, it’s not my thing” and uninstalled. I’m very disappointed (and frustrated) with the new UI And the fact that we, now, are more or less being treated like guinea pigs for their game.

I think all of this was and is being handled very poorly. We are the players. Our thoughts and feelings about a game we invest our time in (and in many cases, real money) should be respected. There are people who have played this game for years and now feel screwed over by the devs. I don’t blame them. I’ve been playing for about a year myself and I feel the same way right now.


Still can’t make it through 5 guild war battles without getting a headache.

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This had me laughing out loud… shame that it’s patently true…


Yeah, so I bought Shadow of Mordor a few years ago, just loaded it up a few days ago. The menu interface is White text on Black/Grey. Again another far superior font choice, with proper sharing and appropriate colors for a Fantasy genre game.

Good examples are everywhere…

I wanted to do the Merlantis questline since I had the game re-installed anyway and figured I would suffer through the ugly borders and the sidescrolling just to see the storyline. I liked the story, but dang, the eyestrain at the end of it! I’m not sure if it’s the board or the button or both, but it hurts. So you’re definitely not alone. I’m not sure - I didn’t have the eyestrain problem before the hotfix, so my suspicion is the button.

I had mentioned this before but haven’t seen any other responses to it. As of last night, I stopped getting any guild seals. I had 2 60+ maps, all five get battle wins today, about 5? Regular pvp battles and about 5 challenge battle wins…not one guild seal, not even login today…is it just me or has anyone else noticed this problem?

Have you already maxed out your 1,500 for the week?

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I don’t do anything in one sitting now… But do turn off the Blur Quality in OPTIONS…it does make a difference. And I am the person who got sick play Crash Banacout or Spiral.

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Buenas noches! Voy a dejar acá mi opinión sobre estos mini arreglos que no sirven de mucho. Como puse en mi opinion en la Play Store, realmente es muy fea la nueva interfaz. Un dolor de ojos y cabeza con esos fondos y nuevos colores.
Este nuevo diseño futurista mata la esencia del juego de fantasia.
Dijeron que iban a solucionar los problemas gráficos, que son muchos y solo sacaron una nueva tropa y algunos pequeños fix en la legibilidad.
El fondo transparente del tablero hace imposible jugar. Los colores y tipo de fuente se pierden con los colores de las tarjetas. La nueva forma de ver la magia, ataque, escudo y salud horrible. También se pierde en los colores. Las tarjetas se ven mas pequeñas. El color del mana se pierde en el fondo. The look de aturdido y especialmente las piedras se ve feo. En tamaño grande se aprecia el intento. Todo feo y poco legible.
Deberían haber vuelto a la versión anterior hasta tener esta nueva versión bien pulida. Para que lleguen a eso van a pasar muchos meses.
Y solo estoy hablando de la versión de PC porque en Android es peor. Como dijeron otros usarios: entrar al juego y que se descarguen archivos y que las tarjetas no se terminan de cargar y la legibilidad es peor.
Somos muchos los que no estamos contentos con este cambio. Yo prefiero cuidar mis ojos así que estoy jugando muy poco! Una lástima porque mi gremio esta entre los 35 primeros y soy Nivel 1069.
Espero que mejoren pero no lo veo en un futuro cercano. Una lástima. Saludos.

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Goodnight! I will leave here my opinion on these mini arrangements that do not serve much. As I put in my opinion in the Play Store, really is very ugly the new interface. An eye and headache with those backgrounds and new colors.
This new futuristic design kills the essence of the fantasy game.
They said they were going to solve the graphic problems, which are many and only pulled out a new troop and some small fixes on readability.
The transparent background of the board makes it impossible to play. The colors and type of font are lost with the colors of the cards. The new way of seeing magic, attack, shield and horrible health. It is also lost in colors. The cards look smaller. The color of mana is lost in the background. The look of stunned and especially the stones looks ugly. In large size the intent is appreciated. All ugly and unreadable.
They should have gone back to the previous version until this new version was well polished. They will be many months to come.
And I’m just talking about the PC version because on Android it’s worse. As other users said: enter the game and download files and the cards are not finished loading and readability is worse.
We are many who are not happy with this change. I prefer to look after my eyes so I’m playing very little! A pity because my guild is in the top 35 and I am Level 1069.
I hope they improve but I do not see it in the near future. A shame. Greetings.


Oh… yep, that’s probably it. I forgot about the cap shifty eyes

WoW my setting screen looks nothing like this you have more options than I do. I need the power save mode to combat the bright lights/ migraine can you help I have xbox s system
Did this screen come with hotfix or did you have before?

This is on PC, has been like this for awhile. I believe similar to what is on Mobile as well actually.

Not sure about consoles, as i dont play on them sorry

Ok, here’s another issue.

If I go into the chat window, it comes up ok, but when I try to close it, the “tabs” at the side and bottom disappear, but the window stays there and the only way to get rid of it is to close the game down and restart.

I can activate other screens (eg see the pic below where I’ve got the Chests menu open), but I can’t do anything with that chat window overlaying it.

Also note on the troublesomestrumpett Guild Chat screen, I had to take three attempts to post a message because the virtual keyboard kept disappearing.

All of this is on Android, Samsung Galaxy S5

EDIT: Addendum - I’ve found a bodge fix for the Guild Chat problem.

If I go to the main Guild Screen (ie showing the Task Statues) I can just see enough of the Chat speech bubble icon to re-activate the chat.

If I then use the pull out tab at the bottom of the Chat screen to Leave chat, the overlaying screen disappears.

It’s not ideal, but at least it means I don’t have to keep restarting the game!

Elspeth is still killing the last unit instead of the targeted one. This also applies for Black Beast (I just saw it devour it itself :D)