3.2 Hotfix is Here

Thank you for adding a bigger background gradient. They cover up the bottom half of the troop art nicely during matches.
Also thanks for the bright yellow flash when clicking on one of the bright green buttons.


  • The chat icon being in 3 different places (TOP at main menu, RIGHT at treasure hunt, LEFT in Guild Wars screen)
  • Kingdom progress indicator missing
  • Having to click on “?” icons for info that was readily available before (example: GW attack screen)
  • Not being able to click on the center kingdom icon to start a match, but only on a button on the bottom
  • Huge unused space on the Troop & Teams section. Also bugged on widescreen: [BUG] Widescreen resolution hides information on PC/Steam
  • Missing Kingdom indicator on Troop Cards
  • Huge popups when clicking on the Kingdoms, instead of the sweet radial menu’s
  • STILL not able to see exact time Member was last online at the Guild Roster (we used to have this information)
  • Items looted presented in a non-compact way with a slide bar and slow animation. Often resulting in having to scroll all the way back
  • Mouse Cursor has not been adjusted to a flat design. It feels out of place now
  • Jack Lumber is not in the game
  • Etc.