2.2 Patch Notes

Worst than this event rewards? It’s possible? :stuck_out_tongue:

The idea was to combine both systems: the tasks (from Console) give you event points and you gain gifts according to these points (like in the Collection event).

I disagree simply because impervious does nothing to true damage. I think the change turned this lion into a kitten.

IMO empowered was waaay more annoying than impervious. Of course that’s what this all is, opinions.

He was defeatable before, but now it just made it a bit easier.

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And how, pray tell, are you dealing this true damage, when you can’t get a spell charged before Manticore fires? Do note that they swapped Empowered for Fast, so the enemy will still charge Manticore faster than almost anything you can field. Its skill budget is still heavily biased towards Life over Armor, so true damage isn’t a good counter anyway. It’s still going to drain whatever mana you collect in the first several turns, it’s still going to get that attack buff. Yes, Manticore was beatable before, and is still beatable, but no less annoying. Again, I’ll reiterate: this change has the potential to make Manticore even more annoying on defense, while nerfing it on offense. Not what anyone was asking for.

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Yeah I also agree first 100 points is good rewards on PC event. After that though i prefer console tasks for time put in.
Just like @HKdirewolf its all only MO :wink:

They probably felt that they have already nerfed him enough from before, so all they did is basically make him more approachable.

More people will probably fight him now since there’s a chance he may not stun them. MAY.

You can always use empowered troop in your team. If you use Mercy, you can fill in your troops sooner than Manticores are even able to mana drain you. For example Mercy charge up Valkyrie, Valkyrie cast to charge up Khorvash and Khorvash simply mana drain manticore. This doesn’t work all the time, of course, but it is an option. After the change, there is even more time (at least one turn) for attackers to fill in their own troops.

That’d be funny, if it wasn’t depressing. So you’re saying the counter is an empowered troop, and that the best option is an empowered gem converter, of which there’s currently only one such troop in the game. And it probably wouldn’t be healthy for them to add any more, lest that become the only reasonable way to play. The empowered arms race has not been good for the game, and has led us directly to the heavy mana drain meta, and having two empowered mana drain troops.

There should be multiple solutions to every problem, both for the sake of keeping the game interesting, and so that competing doesn’t become dependent on having, ascending, leveling, and traiting specific troops.

Manticore dropping down from Empowered to Fast only gives you an extra turn or two, depending on the board. This leaves room for other Fast troops to compete, or teams built around Forest Guardian (a legendary) or Mechanist. Anything else is likely to get drained before it can cast, in which case it’s actually better to get drained earlier, to waste Manticore’s mana, and to waste less of your own. You still have to bait it away from your tank, or counter the massive attack buff, or hit it really hard, somehow.

I’ve got a team that beats M/M/DB/BD pretty reliably these days, and I’m sure I could make something even better with some time and effort. That’s not the point though. The point is having a variety of options, and facing a variety of interesting opponents, which requires troops to be balanced so that there are no clear outliers. Having singularly powerful troops that can only be countered by a very limited number of other troops means the game gets stale, because everyone’s using the same things on defense, and has to counter with the same things on offense.


I disagree. Those double mantibore teams are suddenly far less annoying for stalling. Before it was guaranteed to drain you twice before you could start casting, while gaining attack power which was a threat if you baited the mantibores with skulls instead.

Now: they might fill and cast before you and drain you, but faster teams or a fast-ish converter like alchemist or valkyrie can almost aways get casting first. So far, as far as I’ve seen. They’re typically set with a Bone Dragon or EK, and with a blue or purple banner, so the AI doesn’t seem to prioritise getting those greens and yellows.

Yes it can be a nuisance, and yes it’s still very strong for an UR troop. But no:

…from what I’ve seen so far this is just wrong.


@sirrian @Nimhain

I keep getting these visual glitches on the guild statues screen:

(this is both on Steam and on iOS screen)

@shimrra @esslee @NeXtreme @AnalSwordfish @MarvelKit @Ticket_Ninja @temmie143 do you guys see the same?

plz…not that meme anymore, its pain in the ass, I can still remember his FAKE crying… :confounded:

About the 2.2, really happy with it, every event will be more interesting now. :slight_smile:

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Confirmed, mine looks identically screwed up.

I wish they added the console tasks instead of the new ‘collection-event’.

Kill 1k undead? So since there’s no way of influencing what opponent you face (cause explore is completely random and challenge is excluded) you basically cant do anything about the event. You simply play it the very way you would anyways and hope to occasionally run into some undeads. This doesnt bring the much needed and anticipated variety back to the game imo.


I agree. This is 250 battles vs 4x undead. No matter how you spin that, it’s going to take forever and nothing much happens.

Let alone, god forbid, if the first 250 battles you find aren’t 4x undead.

(Not counting the fact that we’re halfway through this week already. I’m thinking in terms of a whole week.)

For such an event to work and to help create any more variety in PvP opposition which I think this event system was designed to do it needs to reward setting the undead or event flavour of the week as your defence team as well it would make more sense if the kill stuff event was the same stuff as the weekly kingdom and type are already incentivising people to put out with higher stats

note I am channelling @killerman3333 today and all punctuation keys on my keyboard have been disabled


@jainus - same here.

@shim & jason On the up side, its only 100 points for 40 gems. Personally the only other prize worth having would be the event keys.

I’m aiming for the 500 glory… you can never have too much glory.

I’d love to see more variety for the gameplay coming from such events. And a little more challenge than simply ‘play as much as you can to achieve the max goal’. Win 10 pvps with a team of all dwarves for reward 1, win 25 battles with an all khaziel team for reward 2 and so on

What I like most about the event is that parts of the community come together and set up all undead defense teams for everyone else to benefit from. Gotta love that community =D

Anyway, lets see what the next week’s event brings.


@sirrian @Nimhain

quick bit of feedback / request: can we turn off or get rid of the little green hats/arrows showing that troops have stats boosted by this week’s event? at least in the battle screen?


  • it’s useful in the team building and maybe scouting windows
  • but in battle it’s annoying
  • more visual clutter in already cluttered view
  • to me looks out of place, not in keeping with the style of all other art and icons
  • and in battle I just don’t need it - I don’t need a constant reminder that their stats are boosted - they’re just there
  • and I can see the stats are boosted anyway 'cos they’re higher


Or at least an option to turn it off in the settings. I’m sure there are lower level players to whom the in battle reminder is useful.

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Definitely want them gone in the battles…

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Wait, guild statues were fixed? Mine still say level 100 on all of them.

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