2.1 in progress...can we have infos?

[quote=“Tactica, post:59, topic:9177, full:true”]Thus… unless we can predict the future, why not accumulate as much and as often as we can - even in game?

We want folks to have healthy lives, not spend 100% of their time playing GoW. That’s not good for anyone.

When I was in college, there was a thought experiment that made the rounds among my friends. It went like this:

“A stranger walks up to you holding a donkey on a rope. The stranger offers to give you the donkey. Do you take it?”

A lot of people immediately said yes, by the simple logic that having a donkey is better than not having one. Regardless of how much or little the donkey is worth, it’s more than NOT having the donkey, right?

But that’s a bit of a fallacy - because caring for a donkey is difficult, and college students have no place to keep it. And what if you have a class that day - do you just let the donkey run free during the class? It’s not practical to take on the responsibility of a donkey, since it can’t easily be converted into cash. (If you live near a donkey auction house that might be different, but we were college students in the North East.)