2.1 Guild Tasks Nerf and Replacement

Whats wrong with just making tasks cost increase per turn in, resetting weekly? this would in a small way affect players of fewer task turn ins, yet limit players donating millions per week only by gold they decide to squander…

Starting tasks could be like 5k per completion (up for debate) and increase by 1-2k per turn in. eventually key/gem tasks for top 10 guilds would be 100k or so to complete.


This is a simple enough solution that I feel sure the developers have discussed it already. I don’t know how that discussion went, but there must be a reason why they didn’t go with it.

They most assuredly could make this game P2W. You can rest assured that if they added a bundle of all legends ascended to fully traited mythics that there would be a mob in the devs’ inbox screaming that the game is P2W. The “win” can be measured in different ways in different games.

Beyond that, no one said anyone needs to be sheep. I haven’t seen that in a single post. What I have seen is people that have stated that it’s better to actually see the changes first before stating how much they’ll ruin the game. They may be horrendous changes. But, I won’t know that until I actually see them in action.

nerf bat, nerf bat, NERF BAT, NERF BAT!

Can consoles get the buffed bat before ignoring cries for nerf because legendaries should feel strong?

Whats wrong with discussing it now? Plenty of people fear the worst. The discussion would be more useful if we had an idea of the changes, for now i believe it is safe to assune they will be harsh.

The example i gave previously, comparing the guild task rewards to purchasing gold with gems within the shop, demonstrates how fair the guild task/rewards are.

Regardless of what changes are mad the top players will (and should) have 100 times my loot. Unless the keep the system the same and charhe more for each task completion esch week

Returning celestia to her old stats would be grest too :+1:

I totally agree that it’s fine to discuss it now. Personally, I’m skeptical about the new guild changes. Of course, it’s easy to be skeptical when you have no details. For many weeks, I’ve seen the words “Guild Wars” tossed around. But, what does that really mean? To my mind, it could either be great fun or make me lose interest in the game all together. However, I don’t even know if there will be a “Guild Wars” since I’ve never seen it confirmed by a dev.

There are just so many rumors with little evidence of what the changes will actually be.


I think that the details of the guild task that were presented by the devs and from what has been requested by the players might make you less skeptical. I beleive the devs have mentioned a few details already.

Are you speaking about Sirrian’s post in this thread? I don’t consider those details. It’s a broad outline imho.

If you guys are in the guild I think you are, surely you’re aware of your own guild’s rules - no gold contribution requirement, and nobody ever getting kicked over a lack of donations.

An outline shows us the lines they must color in side of. That alone should be confirmation of the picture they plan to present.

So much THAT. If anyone actually believes the changes along the lines of “you will get less keys and gems” will do anything else than punish everyone APART from the top players who are already ahead, think again.

That said,

unless DEVs really couldn’t care less about the feedback, and changes are already decided and incoming in that form regardless of what was/is/will be said in this topic, in which case a confirmation of that would also be nice - at least it’d let people know what they stand on. If you do want feedback, give us an idea what’s coming - then you can get some useful ideas.

It gives me a blurry picture not a detailed picture. What a dev thinks is “new and exciting” may not be exciting to me. I may hate that new mechanic. The detail is important. YMMV

i do not know what this acronym means.

you make me vomit— system edited this LOL


@yonizaf i ment in general :stuck_out_tongue:
Should have made it a more general statement.

WTB official news post!

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The only thing I’m concerned about is the middle-low guilds. The amount of resources the guild I’m in pulls is great. I think we’re in the top 100 rank… But we have some great members who put in a lot of gold. But our resources don’t compare to the top guilds - rightfully so. My concern is that what WE are getting is a fair amount. It keeps the game moving at a great pace and makes you feel good providing. Putting gold into my guild in order to get troops is what keeps me playing.

If my source of troops is significantly dropped, I will definitely be one of those people that stop playing. The fun in this game for a lot of people is collecting troops, which can turn into souls, which can level your troops… The fun is in collecting and the pace with the guild tasks is the only thing that keeps you feeling rewarded because there’s no other way to get troops.

So while yes, the top guilds are pulling in a LOT of resources, and it seems a little OP… But that’s only the very top guilds… The rest of us aren’t getting that absurd amount. I’m just worried how this will effect the overall pacing and feel of the game.

It would be nice if we shifted away from guilds bringing in the troops by nerfing the tasks but buffing personal rewards so if you are an active player you are pulling your own weight and earning your own stuff.

I hope this is not some way to get people to spend more on the overpriced gems.

If you want people to spend more, add cheaper bundles of resources. I, for one, will never ever spend that much money on a handful of gems… But I would spend money on cheap bundles. And I have in the past when you offered bundles for 20$ or less. The value does not feel right for the price with almost every single bundle or offer you currently provide


Seriously or joking and do not know? If i do not understand the whole statement then i ask about the parts i do not understand so i can make a better argument against the whole statement. Also what is vaj?[quote=“Mekkalyn, post:159, topic:9255”]
The only thing I’m concerned about is the middle-low guilds.


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