2.1 Guild Tasks Nerf and Replacement

I think it’s because in none of your replies here there was anything saying that people will have a way of getting their troops ascended, if there will be an alternative way of doing that - then great. But all you keep saying it “people will get other stuff”, for all we know it’s MORE MAPS which no one apart from new players seem to play at the moment :frowning:

And I apologize, but saying that top guilds are pulling away from everyone else in SUPER SPEED is bit of an empty statement. How do they pull away? They already have EVERYTHING they can have, and however you change things, from this point on, they’ll be working on getting only new stuff, while everyone else will still be BEHIND, but with their ability of getting new troops crippled.

The only way the new guilds pull away is in trophies on the leaderboards (which if I understand correctly won’t be changed, and they do gain those rightfully by putting long hours of pvp farming).


maybe it will be, maybe the changes that are coming will assure that and I simply fail to grasp that because you can’t or don’t want to give us specifics on the upcoming changes, and if that’s the case - all my concerns are for nothing, it’s just the uncertainty of being inthe dark and processing only the info we actually have that’s causing it.

Come on. You can’t just make up your own definitions for words. You use well-known words that carry an established connotation and then say “but wait, this means something else to us.” That is exactly what I am at odds with. If you are going to use a word everybody knows about in a way nobody is familiar with, you need to either choose a different word or clearly define it when you use it.

Basically, your idea of economy is this:

…which actually kind of supports my point. If there is an effect, it will be because you folks choose to create one.

I’m not trying to be overly critical, because I understand your stance. I’m trying to be exact. I want total clarity on what is going on. If I’m wrong, I will admit it. But after a number of posts and responses, nobody has been able to convince me of that.

Finally, regarding my ending questions: I wasn’t looking for answers. I just thought they were important to throw out there and consider in regard to this issue.

Well that’s just

early bird catches the worm,hindsight 20/20 and such :smirk:

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I think i am getting the picture of how huge this update is going to be and it might e a little overwhelming.
I am going to do this backwards sorry guys.

This is kinda interesting even though we do not know what “stuff” is. Maybe it has something to do with:

Interesting no? But what if there is more info? [quote=“Sirrian, post:18, topic:9255”]
Lots of you folks here are the reason the game has been so successful…

This might be implying that the “things” are our requests.

Even though it is generalizations it might mean that there is something to our requests but what i do not know but from the generalizations and the vagueness it might mean that the stuff is either collectables or more exciting bonuses that are not like the mastery system. [quote=“Sirrian, post:1, topic:8880”]
What we’d like to do is to deliver twice as many updates, containing half as much stuff.
Means that 2.0.1 is just a prep update and we might not have access to the juicy stuff till 2.1. Well i mean anyone could have guessed that and i am pretty sure elsewhere it was confirmed. Now i could be stretching here but[quote=“Sirrian, post:5, topic:8640, full:true”]
I think you might be hearing-IMPaired…

could be confirmation that the purple imp is coming out in 2.1! So from all these quotes and generalizations i have gathered is anyone going to guess what is in the next update? My guess is collectables that carry value that are not troops. Guild only stuff could be that long requested guild armour or guild weapon or the collectables might be traitstones. The is so much info we just need to peice it together.

I have to add my 2 cents here.

Hardcore Longtime Players need to be rewarded for their contributions! Why would new players get more resources than members that have been loyal to the game. Everyone should have the chance to get the same stuff.

Every game that I played tried to help the new player more but the truth is the new player may not like the game and quit! Longtime dedicated players is what you can bank on and should me a priority! No matter what you can’t keep everyone happy so you must keep your dedicated loyal members happy or your doomed. History repeats itself and it taught us that " The customer is always right"

This game is a business I understand this. Your in this to make money let’s be honest here. You look at profits above everything else. A ton of profit comes from advertisements through in-game traffic. Your hardcore dedicated players will provide you consisted traffic day to day. As far as making profit from the players here you need to give us something worth spending our money.

  1. If someone spends their money on a item or card the card skill should never be altered because we paid real money for it.

  2. A new card class over Mythic should be made, these cards should be exclusive to cash players and only obtained via purchase.

Those ideas are for free if you want more you know where to find me.

This is what my guild lives for! I need more guild slots to adopt the newbies so they can move to better guilds!

Killer man is 100% right! Better guilds can take on noobs and help them along the way if we had more slots. Also guilds should be rewarded for taking on a new player! Relationships keep people playing these kind of games

That is a slippery slope. You could abuse such a feature by kicking and recruiting. I feel guilds should get benefits for helping players along with masteries and items but i am hoping that guild items will be just that thing.

I say we should be rewarded in some way because with more slots I will just add stronger players. We need incentives to do so.

Iwould think the extra players is good enough incentive if they are active but i would like to see a system that checks for growth for when a person joins and then leaves a guild then reward based on that. Say player joins at level 1 but leaves at level 1000 (doubtful) but when that player leaves and goes to a new guild the old guild gets rewarded for “rearing” the player.

This idea has nothing to do with rewarding longtime players its just making the game more p2w :laughing:


This game is a business and for us to keep enjoying it they must make money! The idea of number 2) is to make us feel appreciated by spending our money. The number one rule that we learn in business is PROFIT

If the end game is profit then longevity should be the goal.

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Oh no doubt it would make them money short term and then drive everyone else away since there would be an entire rarity stronger than mythic not attainable by playing the game,its already kind of p2w that deathknight armor exists but it only increases the speed at wich you can get resources that you get by playing for free.

I didn’t - I used a definition from a book based on economic theory!


Sirrian i love you.


There must also be some players that doesnt want to be in any guild, and rather wants to play on their own. Will these getting better rewarded than before, to take the ‘lone wolf’ road? I am of course not expecting them to get as much or even close to as the top guilds with 30 players, but if it was a better option, than it is now - to go solo, it would be a very good addition to the game I think. My suggestion is that I think going solo should have more inexpensive tasks with less to obtain from them, but still good collectables in the long run. To make the game less guild orientated, would be a win win for the ones who wanna go solo, and for the game in general. :slight_smile:

For example if a new player is joining the game, he/she will find out soon enough that the game is too guild orientated if one gonna be rewarded, if the player is not into ‘the guild thingy’ at all, he/she will leave fairly early. However if an option called ‘Lone Wolf/Solo’ is in front of their eyes, it might be easier to keep the new players. And if they ever change their minds in the future, the option to get better rewarded than they already do, is always open for them - to quit the solo and join a guild. :slight_smile:


I’d actually respectfully disagree with that. We certainly do need to make money, won’t deny it, but if it was our only concern, we’d create a game with an energy system. Statistically-speaking, F2P games make WAY more money if they’re implemented that way. Above ALL else, the whole team here wants to make something we’re proud of… that idea permeates every single one of our decisions… hence, no energy system.

Actually, no. We make no money through advertisements. We don’t want ads in this game, they’d detract from the gameplay. I think it’s one of the reasons we have such a high retention of players.

We can 100% agree there! And we do indeed try to keep adding features for both long-time and new players.

Unfortunately that goes against one of our policies that every piece of core content in the game (excluding bonus & cosmetic items) must be obtainable for free. We have the VIP system & its bonuses for something exclusive to paying customers, and we’d certainly be open to adding to that in future though.


Right back at you. You’re in the minority here in your understanding of the word “economy”. Strictly limited supply or even scarcity are not essential components of an economy. All the factors that go into determining the “value” of something are components of the economic environment in which it exists.[quote=“IronyMan, post:202, topic:9255”]
If there is an effect, it will be because you folks choose to create one.

Which is exactly how real-world economics works. Nothing is “forced”, nothing is a “natural consequence”, it’s all because people choose to react in a certain way.

If the resources of top guilds are effectively infinite, then it’s impossible for the developers to set appropriate costs that will affect those players on a similar scale to the rest. If it’s impossible to affect the experience of the players at the top without utterly destroying the experience of the players at the bottom, then the developers will be unable to provide a consistently good experience, and one group or the other will leave out of either frustration or boredom.

Absolutely false. New players come and go, but so do long-time players. If no effort is made to attract and retain newer players, the playerbase will eventually wither and disappear completely. Long-time players become increasingly difficult to please, because if the game doesn’t change, they will eventually become bored, but any change can equally offend some segment of the existing playerbase. The customer is not always right – and in fact is frequently wrong, particularly in the context of games. As I said above, games are artificial problems that we seek out for the enjoyment of solving them. The natural instinct of the player is to take advantage of every opportunity to win, which leads to solving problems as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, that doesn’t necessarily maximize player enjoyment, particularly when they run out of problems to solve. The customer is inherently self-defeating, unless they have some self-restraint.

So a wound should be left to hemorrhage and ultimately kill the game, just to avoid upsetting someone? Players hate it when something is taken away from them, but complain just as loudly when they have no competitive options, and are forced to use one particular strategy or lose. Ruling out direct balance changes to any particular component means the rest of the game has to be altered to compensate, which is both more time and labor intensive, and thus more expensive, and still has the same result of affecting the relative value of the “sacred” component. A buff to anything is an indirect nerf to everything else, and a strategy of “no nerfs, only buffs” just forces them to increase the scale of the game until it’s no longer recognizable or easily human-comprehensible.


Thank you for replying to my message. I love the game and just want to continue to see it grow and prosper. How about a new armor for sale that adds a 200% bonus to everything?