2.1 Guild Tasks Nerf and Replacement

I think the best suggestion was that guild tasks cost ever increasing amounts each time they are completed each week - on a per task basis - (perhaps a scale like Kingdoms e.g. not linear)
This solution would allow ‘low’ and ‘mid’ level guilds to achieve the ‘optimal’ amount of the new rewards from guild task, while putting a limit on what is achievable by high level guilds.
This would be similar to the Mana Surge Mastery where by the high mastery scores don’t result is hugely different mana surge % when comparing high and mid level players


minor/runic/arcane tasks would be nice :smiley:

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Cheese burger would be nice also

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my guild is low level, costs would be great if reduced.

Damn Ricky I’m hungry now



Been pondering this. Looks like the topic has about died on the vine, but I guess I have one more thing I’d like to say (one more post, anyway. Probably say a lot of stuff.)

First off, let’s be clear on the guild problem. A guild workover is a necessity only from the viewpoint of the game creators. The guild “problem” is not really a problem because it doesn’t affect anybody. We have a group of players who have figured out how the game works and have started playing within the rules of the game in such a fashion as to gain tremendous rewards for themselves. How does that affect me? I’m a little jealous, I admit, but I’m frankly not willing to put in the time. Bottom line is, it doesn’t affect me at all. I don’t even know who those folks are.

There is talk about how these guild actions hurt the “economy” of the game. Huh? There is no “economy” in the game. It is an artificial world. The resources in the game are limitless. If it was true that the economy could be affected, then that would mean if every one of the 20,000+ GOW players decided to buy a $99 gem pack, the game would run out of gems. Or the last 5000 or so buyers would have to pay double. Not a chance. The design team would be doing backflips.

The only way the “economy” can be affected is if the game folks decide to make changes based on the actions of the few. And if they do, they are the ones changing the economy, not the guild folks.

Pure and simple, I think the guild sharks are getting more resources than the game gods want them to get. I think when the game gods made some of the previous changes, they saw the possibility of increased rewards at the guild level. I don’t think they foresaw it in the magnitude that actually resulted. Now they want to dial things back so everybody earns an “appropriate” level of resources for an “appropriate” amount of work. I guess that’s fine. But dang, it seems unfair.

What is the point of guilds? Isn’t the point that you work together with other players to the benefit of all? When I first started playing GOW, I saw that guilds helped immensely because they did just that. So now we have a group of people who recognize the power of working together and do so very effectively, and we are saying “whoa, we want you to work together, but not that much together.”

I understand the change is inevitable. But it bothers me that people are trying to say there is a “big problem” when there isn’t. The only problem that exists is an economic one (I mean the real economy, not the virtual one discussed in this thread) for the developers. The guild sharks earn so many free gems and keys that they no longer have to buy anything.

Before closing, I want to ask the developers a couple questions.

How many people actually earn this incredible sum? (I’ve heard “top-10” tossed around, which would indicate around 300, or a little more than 1%.) How much real money have these people spent on the game so far? (My guess is they as a group average more money spent per each than the rest of us.) And finally, are your plans to rework the guilds based solely on doing what’s best for the community or what’s best for the team?

P.S. I realize I’m not really addressing the thread topic, which is what would you like to see changed, but all these supposed issues have been tossed around in this thread and I don’t buy them. I say change it however you want, but be clear on the reasons for doing so. And I don’t think the clarity has been there.


Hi Irony Man,

Let me address the idea of “Economy”
Your definition of economy assumes that limitless resources in an artificial world imply there is no economy.
Our definition of economy is this: Economy is a large set of inter-related production and consumption activities that aid in determining the relative value of resources and how they are allocated.
We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one, but be aware that we design the game with our definition in mind, so as long as you’re playing Gems of War, you’re playing a game where the designers are treating things like they are an economy.

Much of the rest of what I read stems from the fact that you don’t believe there is an economy.

Finally though, let me answer the big question at the end

As far as I’m concerned, the two things are the same (best for the team = best for the community). The game will be most healthy, and our team will make enough money to keep things running & keep adding new content IF we continue to give you guys cool stuff. In general, we only take something away if it’s unhealthy for the game, and wherever possible we try to give something back in return. The Guild Task rework will be one such case… players will not get as many Gems & Glory Keys as before in the new system, but they WILL get other stuff instead. I don’t have any more details to share right now, except some priorities in the re-design:

  • New players and small guilds must not be worse off than they currently are
  • Big organized guilds should still be able to accelerate their earnings by working together, and pull away from smaller less-organized guilds… they just should not be able to do it at such an alarming rate
  • Some new game elements must be included as compensation for the changes.

As far as sharing actual numbers though, I’m not at liberty to do that, I’m sorry.


sirrian speak for we need to wait till 2.1 is closer to ease the rioting! :joy:

How do you define the size of the guild? Guild members or guild level and will guild level be more important than it currently is in the future update?

We actually look at a combination of things, but it mostly relates to gold-contributions (and as you would guess, new players generally make smaller contributions).

We have a lot of folks who are in small guilds of 2-4 people (quite often friends/family I suspect) who are long-term dedicated players with quite high contributions… we’d like to make sure we look after those guys as well - not all dedicated players are in the top-10 guilds!

However having 30 dedicated players all working together should definitely give you the greatest rewards.

Guild Level? Just a number really… and it may factor into Guild vs. Guild stuff when we get to that, but nothing definite there yet.


Not sure if great foreshadowing for 2.1 or maybe my hope for guild vs guild is being readin too much by myself.

Any chance the guild update sees guilds allow more than 30 players?

No plan for that currently, but it’s not out of the question.

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Could certain parts of the game be alterable cosmetics? Still waiting on someone to test that out on the mobile version to see if changing your character changes the hero icon.

No - changing your character does not change the icon.

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Sorry but if that “other stuff” is not an alternative way of getting troops, your entire comment is irrelevant to the problem that was brought up here: top players are done ascending everything, everyone else will have HARDER time ever catching up to that point with the new “better” changes.

Unless there will be an alternative way of getting gems/keys to get those chests → troops (which there won’t, seeing how your whole goal is the decrease of those resources), they WILL be worse-off. And you can call it any way you want, you can give people more maps and souls and maybe even a traitstone here and there (hopefully not MAJOR traitstones that NO ONE needs because the amounts of stones needed are highly imbalanced compared to the drop-rates),but the fact will remain, less glory keys / gems = slap in the face to everyone apart from the very top.

Aww, could that be an update for the future or worth talking about at length? It might make for a cool feature no?


  1. Top-Tier Guild Players will not get as much stuff
  2. Mid-to-Low-Tier Guild Players will get more stuff
  3. Everybody will get NEW stuff

I fail to see why low level & new players would be upset by this… it should be easier to catch up BUT the fact still remains, top-tier guild players will naturally accelerate their earnings and pull away… we’re not looking to STOP that, just not have them accelerate so fast!


Are you serious? This is just an outline right and in no way supposed to be specific right? I know it is kind of vague to say stuff but what you’re proposing sound really good. It is a soft nerf to rewards but in a way that is handled like the mastery system right? Is that the right way to interpret what you have typed out?