The last sentence is not false, but as i said the guild tasks changes as adjustments to the economy put everyone on the same terms. The more gold you invest the more you get, with certain limits. No one lost more or less in this sense, there is just a cap for the top guilds as well as there is for anyone else, the point is that the limitless/uncontrolable generation of resources would end up causing big problems for the game sustentability. (Just to be clear, this is more likely what i have to say about your point, everything below is not a response to you specifically.)
[Side note]
People despise any change that refrain the players from getting anything “for free” in a short period of time and are most likely to come around saying things like “Pay to win”, “scam”, “money grab” and such, but truth be re-told (re-told because most of us already know it): This game needs to sell! Otherwise it will be shut down.
[/Side note]
While some permanent and tangible bonuses await everyone who upgrades their kingdoms and troops the temporary bonuses from guild tasks still seems like something that can make people think more as a guild than before and help them on their journey over Krystara (* I’ll come back at this point later). Why people have trouble finding good, not top just good, guilds when they start? (I had.) Because there is nothing like a common goal to unite these players, the fact that the better bonuses from kingdoms levels and stars are “solo goals” wasn’t helping at all.
So, having more and more features that rewards good interactions between the guildmates is good, the extra bonuses are good, but they seem unfairly distributed and in the sense that they just add a bigger gap that can be perceived as unreachable…
- As i said before the temporary guild bonus would aleviate and help people making progress at the game at a better speed to compensate all the stuff already released.
Since we have our console comrades here, @UKresistance and @captain_video i would like to ask: Comparing the upcoming “catch up” that the console version will have soon and comparing the daunting amount of troops released on PC/Mobile the developers are considering discounts to help you guys, “consolers”, with the catch up right? But using this as a reference wouldn’t make sense to have some sort of help for new players in every plataform?
As i said in another post the Task Bonuses could be one of these tools to help people getting engaged in the game, it’s undeniable that new players are always healthy to any game in general. But if they come up out of the blue sky into Krystara without nearly 250 troops that they won’t get anytime soon, specially NOW because the guild tasks were reworked and the small and middle-ground guilds are also restricted on the amount of rewards and velocity of progress, it could be perceived as “impossible” and it would affect negatively the retention of the said players.
I’ll say it but please don’t take me as a jerk: Big picture people. Let’s try to think in the big picture.
I’m not saying that my suggestion is brilliant, but i took some time to make some analysis on the situation looking for more sides on the matter.