2.1 Arrives!

Hey, I was just wondering, when it comes to Hero masteries over L1001 I cant choose which color I want to choose in my Hero masteries. The window does’nt even come up. Been a bit lazy lately to check every thread to figure it out. Do masteries for Hero stops at level 1001, or is they automatically applied? Thanks

You stop gaining masteries after level 1000.


Thanks! :smiley:

When will the new kingdom be released? I’ve got close to 10000 keys burning a hole in my (virtual) pocket…

It will be released Soon™.

Maybe if the devs distribute the bonuses into “tiers” for a certain number of tasks completed…
For example:

  • 06 Purple Tasks = 1 extra Magic
  • 12 Purple Tasks = 2 extra Magic

(Just tossing some numbers, halving it because equal parts seems more appropriate.)

In the end the top guilds would still have more statuses bonuses, but the “middle-ground” guilds could benefit as well from focusing more in some aspects and becoming more organized without falling behind a lot.


Sirrian said (or was it Nimhain?) that the new kingdom will arrive this week. Now you know it’s coming in the next 4 days does sure.

I would expect armor/life to be awarded after tasks 9/10/11/12, attack after 9/11/12, and magic after 10/12 if the devs broke up the statue bonuses like you’re suggesting. They’re supposed to be for the extremely high-end guilds, and as such difficult to get.

I don’t really buy that people are running into these statue-empowered teams all the time and it’s seriously throwing off the balance. Only a couple hundred people will ever complete them all, and it’s only day 2. I know we have yet to complete all of ours, and the player base isn’t that small. Feels a bit like crying wolf.

I edited my previous post to clarify that the numbers are just a “sketch” for the idea, not final or decisive. But well, i agree and kind of disagree with the high end aspect.
It takes a lot to upgrade kingdoms to level ten and five starring the same kingdom to get two of armor, for example, unreachable for players until certain levels…

So the temporary boost from the tasks would provide them some improvement while working together towards a goal, what would make a diference is that if the guild keeps improving they would eventually invest on their kingdoms to get more permanent boosts and work for higher bonuses on the tasks. It sounds good in theory for me.

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I for one, enjoy the new statue bonuses and dont think they should be watered down to appease more casual game players. People who play more and guilds that do more, should end up with an advantage in the end. This is what playing a game is all about.

Imagine if Lebron James cut his minutes down to 20 minutes per game so the rest of his bench players can get equal time…there is no point in ever evening out a playing field in any game, especially to reward those that are casual players.

I for one would want no part of a game that tries to make things equal. If you play more and work with a guild who plays more, you will be rewarded in the end. If you dont, you are simply a casual player and should not expect the same kind of rewards.

This is also no different than real life. Those who work more hours, usually get more pay…usually…The person who works 10 hours a week should not expect and complain about the person who works 50 hours per week and expect to live the same kind of life…Want more…do more…want less…do less…To each their own


The problem in your approach is that there is no middle room for a middle ground.

What if someone wants to work 30 hours a week? Well he isn’t working 50 hours so he should receive the 10 hours a week salary?

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aha! I’ve been thinking about suggesting something along those lines, and I’m glad I checked here before making a new topic.

and they still will have the advantage, for maxing out all of the tasks, so hold on to your panties and at least read through the suggestions, before complaining.

Bye, you will not be missed. And on a bit more serious note - “making things equal” would mean removing the bonuses altogether, or lowering them to the 5th or 6th task tiers, which everyone can reach. So I’m sorry but you are simply wrong, it is not a suggestion to make things “equal”.

I agree, but no one here says “I want to work 10h, and get paid for 50h”, it’s more about the people who worked for 45 or 48h, can’t pull off the full 50, and get paid for 10h (TEN). Do you consider this fair? if yes - I really have nothing further to discuss with you.

Now the hate aside, I was thinking of spreading the bonuses a little more indeed. There are guilds who don’t quite do the 16m (be it 6-8 or 10-12, same thing, different scale) which means they’re forced to either max out only part of the tasks, or spread their gold evenly, which excludes them from getting any skill bonuses - which personally I consider unfair. Now I agree that the bonuses are something that shouldn’t be given away for free, so I’m against putting them on 6th task for example, what I had in mind was:

10th task - 1 stat
11th task - 1 stat
12th task - 2 stats

and that takes care of the 4-stat bonus tasks, the Attack could be either 1/1/1 or 11th - 1, 12th - 2, there’s sadly only 2 magic points, so I would suggest 11th and 12th (sorry, can’t really do 0,5 / 1,5).

Considering the cost of the tasks, and the general spread of the full cost of maxing out a task between task tiers - I think (yes, that is my opinion, not god-given-truth) this would be a bit more fair towards those upper-mid-tier guilds, rather than “all in or nothing” approach. Completing up to and including 10th task costs half of the gold needed for maxing it out, I think 1/3 of the 4-stat bonus at this point would be only fair.

It would also allow for spreading the gold evenly between the tasks without compromising equal lvling of the statues, while still getting at least the taste of the bonuses. Some guilds might still chose to push for maxing out this or that task for the full bonus, but it would definitely create more of a middle-ground.

That’s my 3 cents anyway.

PS. that would also dampen the pvp stat differences, at least partially. And those who max all tasks, would still keep the advantage, which they of course deserve.

I would probably agree with you Studs, if not for the fact that even though the player base is - as you said - huge, I keep getting same opponents over and over again. Blame it on the algorithm or RNG, I don’t know - but seeing how it goes for me, I do believe that after reaching certain lvl, you will keep bumping into those “couple hundred people” :wink:


If you go for the 3 trophy,you are getting the same 5-10 opponents,all from top guilds,if not,then your reward will almost non existent.For example my 3 trophy now worth 1600 gold,the 2 trophy worth 800.Pretty huge difference.

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I am not a casual player. I finished in the top 100 of pvp 11 of the first 12 weeks. Not trying to toot my own horn. Just for some perspective. And as I stated earlier, I am in a guild that produced more trophies (7,500+) than about 80% of the top 50 guilds for a couple of weeks consecutively. And we will still not complete all tasks on a given week. While the top few will hit that every single week. If my guild can’t keep up while we’re outperforming the vast majority of other guilds, there’s no way lower guilds (even if they’re active) can keep up. And whether you believe it or not @Studs I have been facing players with these stat boosts regularly. I’m not trying to whine about these things, I’d just like to know if they will balance these discrepancies out somehow. Overall, I think the update is a nice change. I just think the weekly guild statue bonuses make it where some players will never catch up to others.

Very likely my friend, the devs haven’t been nothing but great and fair with us.
It’s been just two days and even if it takes two whole weeks i’m certain they will gather data and consider improvements or changes. :slight_smile:

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I’m sure they will. The devs for this game are great. It’s why I support them with in app purchases. I’m really not trying to complain. I just think there are some balance issues with the guild statues. I’m sure many people like them fine as is.

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Guild stat bonuses are a trade off for 90% resource reduction. Lol
Thats fine. But now people sayimg stat bonuses are to high…
There fine as they are.


They are not too high, they are just unfairly distributed compared to the gold invested in the tasks (a.k.a. no distribution at all). Do you honestly think it’s perfectly OK that guilds who fall a bit short get NOTHING, while you swim around with 16eHP more on every troop? :smiley:

also you were not the only one who is getting less keys/gems, so that is not an argument.