2.1 Arrives!

Do away with the individual cap altogether.
If a couple of your members are on vacation and not playing your guild could be screwed. Allow the hardcore members to push to complete the goal while the casual player does what they comfortably can. Simple.

Lol I think you’re safe on that one.
Seals and wars are completely different. I could see using a tier system for guild wars based on member count. Say 1-5 member teams competing against eachother. The winner moves up to 6-10 member tier and so on.
Please don’t blast me folks it’s just a thought lol.

It’s fundamentally not a guild system if it doesn’t require a coordinated guild to accomplish it. No individual cap = not a guild feature.

I think it couldn’t be like that… Since the seals are extra rewards for, generally speaking, normal gameplay it could scalate in the wrong direction to what the devs are trying to fix on the economy.
They already reduced in 5.000 seals the requirement for the last tier of the guild chest. And the previous tier, 20.000 still have decent rewards while it’s more feasible as a goal.

Its all about merit. Having a max guild means nothing if most of them are not regularly contributing. Furthermore, giving an open invitation is risky when the wrong ones join. Surely the devs did not create this system to force mergers here. The overall cap was necessary because the very few elite guilds maximized getting those goodies. The individual flat cap doesn’t make sense and the devs lowered the 45k cap to 40k due to the arguments these elite types made when the devs could have easily lifted the 30 member cap to 45 members while regulating the individual cap according to the number of members instead. Thereby, letting the guild leader and his/ her officers to determine if its worth inviting more, or perhaps kicking a few [including those alts], so the individual cap can increase/ decrease per member.

Its going through a beta phase now and we can expect the devs to fix a few oversights as well as bugs. While its a month away, for console players who have been blessed to have Tasks in addition to guild tasks, we best get use to the idea of no longer having that blessing anymore as this new guild economy can incorporate those tasks. It would explain why the devs were not too keen in adding Tasks to mobile/ PC. Clearly, this new guild economy is more diverse. I’m for doing away with console tasks altogether if, and only if, the individual cap is based on how many members comprise the guild.

Like I said, ‘Its all about merit’. :sunglasses:

Here is Sirrian saying that they are planning to introduce the console task system to the PC/Mobile crowd, but not sure whether they can squeeze it in by mid-October. Definitely sounds clear that it will be an addition to that platform, and not a deletion from console.

I don’t see how this guild economy replaces the individual tasks at all. In fact, I think a player like @LYNDALE might really appreciate a little more emphasis on individual accomplishment.


Not that I can see and that could be my error.
The larger guilds Are going to hit this goal. They don’t need every member to gdt 1500. But a couple of members not hitting enough will keep them from reaching 40,000. A small guild never will. Same as before.
But it isn’t going to hurt the imaginary economy if I get to draw 20 more chests if the individual cap if eliminated. And it’s Not about getting those extra chests really. Allow me to as far as I can.
I’m fine with the guild limit. Just don’t limit the individual.
They’ve set a target, 40,000, but aren’t allowing me to strive for it.

I think people are still hyper-focused on PVP and that’s why they think the 1500 seals cap is okay.

If you do a bit of Arena and some Explore, you hit the cap in no time. I hit it the 2nd day, before I had played any PVP at all.

It needs to be raised.


The imaginary economy is more real than you think. Allowing people to have no limit at resources, mainly premium currency like Gems in the old system, and the Seals at this new system would crush any chance that people would buy these to support the game. If you are able to get 20 more chests imagine what would happen if everyone could get this amount or even more, that’s why even the individual amount needs to be controled.

If you are aiming at the max reward you can’t do that alone, it’s a cooperative goal, the very essence of the guilds. Sorry if it doesn’t fit your own needs, but it wasn’t created to frustrate anyone. It’s a new feature added for the sole purppose to give more incentive for the gameplay, we hadn’t it before and the game is just fine, now we have it as a extra and people, you are not alone on your position, still think it’s not enough because it’s not limitless…
Hard to agree with your vision, sorry.

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But they are getting it through their guild.

So allow me my incentive. 30 people can have it but a solitary person can’t try?

No worries, I’m used to being the odd duck. Lol

You are probably very correct! No, it’s more than probably. That’s why I am careful to make ingame purchases even if you don’t particularly need the item. Supporting a game you play is vital.

Well I’ve had my say and then some. So thanks all for agreeing and disagreeing. It’s nice to banter back and and forth.


I would still encourage you to check out a casual guild and see how you like it. Some might say that they don’t want to give up the investment that they’ve already made in their solo guild, but since you’ve already said that you like to delete accounts and restart once you ‘finish’ a game, I can’t see that argument coming from you. You’ve got next to nothing to lose, and plenty of potential rewards to gain. You may even make some new friends!


What they are getting is a better quality of chests, on the fairness they are limited to 1500 seals individually, just like anyone.

As i said, you are not alone on the sentiment that even with the new chests/seals you wish you could get more to your heart’s content. But it would also be a problem to control the economy and the power creep of the top guilds. The devs didn’t developed a system to punish the players, but some control was needed and since it came late, personal view, the “damage” everyone felt seems enormous.

Every decision needs some sort of sacrifice, if the system wasn’t changed, this decision would sacrifice the game survival as it would be hardly profitable since with average organization a guild could manage at least 1.000 gems and Glory keys each week…

I’m not saying that the seal’s cap is final, maybe they could raise the personal limit of each player and also raise the amount of needed seals for the last tiers of guild chests. But this decision is yet to be made since the system is new and they are still collecting data, and as i said before, this decision would have some sort of sacrifice:

  • If the cap for each player is 2500 seals, appraising solo players like yourself, and the last two tiers of chest become 30K and 50K it would be a harder goal for mid-tier guilds while the top players/guild could still reach it and the lower guilds could, maybe, only dream about it.
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This is the first patch where I won’t be buying anything. The limits, have removed the endgame for me. The game is now just capped, at what I consider a casual level.

Even rolling in gems and glory keys didn’t stop my from buying. It did mean I would make targeted buys. Ones that provided a specific troop, or specific traitstones.

Now, I’ve hit 450 trophies, have my gold saved for next week, and instead of being excited for the new kingdom, I’m looking to see what RPGs and other mobile games I missed in the last 18 months. My gaming budget and time is now free.

I can’t say i have the perfect vision of what market we need for the game, but considering how things were going before i’m pretty sure that the need for premium currency were kinda low.
I can even assume that your particular case…

…was another hint that glory keys and gems weren’t that valuable since you and others wouldn’t need these resources and you were buying stuff just casually.

I’m not saying that we should spend to be able to get everything we want, just saying that buying stuff before, like gems and bundles, was probably being less and less profitable as people would be more engaged at mimicking the Top Guilds, aiming at min/max results and it become dangerous to the game survival with the huge amounts of gold from PVP being constantly and limitlessly being converted into premium currency.

I may be crazy but I actually kind of like the idea of having the Task and Seal caps! Once I’m done with those I can:

  1. Continue grinding PvP for trophies
  2. Do Explore speed runs to collect traitstones for further Kingdom leveling and powering up Guardians, Mythics and Legendaries
  3. Spend some time on some other games I want to get better at
  4. Or, you know, read a book, binge watch a series I missed or go outdoors! :wink:

You do realize that with getting 1,000 gems and glory keys you can barely get anything you want, right?. And with this new system you are still getting around that amount but in the form of keys on top of gems.

1,000 is like the bare minimum to enjoy this game. With that amount you still need to spend a good amount of money if you want everything (especially mythics). I’m going to guess that mythics are going to be a big money maker with this new system since now people will need to spend a lot more to get them since the resource dump.

It depends on luck, it can have an amazing pay out, or not. The point is that if people were able to get much more than 1K of each there was nearly no need to ever spend money on the game.

Keeping things like they were in the old system would do no good for the game in the long run, if the premium currency is easy to obtain they could make things even harder to obtain by reducing the drop rate. But taking this road would have worse consequences, making the premium currency, gems, cheaper or even meaningless. Since the pay out would be reduced, people would have to spend MORE to be able to get better results and farming/grinding for it would become unbearable since you would need MORE gems to have at least some average results…

In the old system people were getting a lot more than a thousand of each. That was too much.

But you were saying that 1,000 was too much. That’s not true. That’s literally the bare minimum of what they could give to keep people still happy with their progress.

I agree that much more than that mark is generous and can understand that they wouldn’t want that.

No, what i said was:

Our own guild is above average currently for the kind of organization we have (mostly none) and we are at top 75… Imagine if we had set minimums before that aren’t ridiculous 200 gold for each trophy.
When i joined we were below average/casual and yet the solid contributions got the guild to the point we are now. The problem is not that (+/-) 1K of gems will have a minor impact on your progress or mine, the “problem” is that these gems are not being enough to get the last few cards we don’t have yet. The problem is that (+/-) 1K of gems each week for nearly 30 guild members in hundreds of guilds was something breaking the economy…

We progressed so much in the last months that ascending troops to mythics is average day to day stuff on our guild. In the past each ascension was followed by “Congrats name-here…” It would take weeks before anyone would get all the gems for the last armors in the shop, and suddenly, with the new pvp, it was plainly easy.

Take a moment to review your progress in the game, try to remember how things were before and how everything shifted and suddenly gold was easy, gems and glory keys become easy, and try to project it on a scale where there are tons of people doing less than you, but also tons of people doing way more and you will find that an open/limitless economy was doomed.

On the “need” to have the mythics/every card: There is no such thing, the game is very good even if you don’'t get a Mythic troop at all. I have Plague, no big deal. I had the “grumpies” for a while because i’m missing all the others, then i just ignored this tiny fact and moved on, had much more fun without bothering with this.

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I don’t understand this logic. When you had an abundance of resources, you would play like crazy and buy things. Now that you have a cap on resources, you not only don’t see a reason to buy, but are ready to quit the game. I honestly don’t understand how that follows.

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