2.1.5 Arrives!

Anyone else get/spend over 1500 glory this week?

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Glory? Spent about 8k on Monday after reset and am sitting around 7k now after my battles so far this week. Why might you be asking @killerman3333?

I’ve spent loads of glory this week. Usually spend more than 2k every week to be fair

Every week I spend 5k+ glory so yeah.

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I am using maps to gain glory so I can get the last trait stones for sorcerer so my sun and moon team will finally be done, and was wondering if anyone else knows my pain of getting trait stones to upgrade a mythic through getting/using glory.If i pull off 1500 more glory, i will not only have the stones, but almost my first mythic troop.

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Congrats in advance. I do know the pain you’re going through but I was doing explores to farm arcanes to trait the last two troops in my deck that aren’t fully traited. Then the new legendary came out and I found that I didn’t have the arcanes for her either so my farming is far from done. Hoping the arcanes next week will be affordable to help with my collection.


Hey @nimhain as well as adding new classes could we give attention to buffing the old ones?

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They are looking at buffing the hero already, just no details yet.


I hope sorcerer gains 2 mana instead of 1 in the future, just saying.

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Sorcerer is the class that least needs buffing… Just saying…


I know, but everything could be a little stronger :grin:, i hope they buff necromancer. His soul gain needs a buff for real.

If everything gets buffed then nothing gets buffed.


The hero classes do not need to be buffed compared to each other, they need to be buffed compared to other troops. So yes, they all need a buff.

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This is true, however if everything gets big then does it mean that everything is still small?

Yeah, I stopped using heroes once I figured out they weren’t required lol

But you still neutered her by taking Necromancy away. You might as well reclassify Valkerie as a Human and not Divine while you’re at it. She’s pissed, I tell ya; And so are the rest of Krystara.


Yeah just a mere mortal walking around down on earth now. Wings clipped. Greatest tragedy ever told next to Romeo & Juliet.

You know this lends itself to the alternate art on cards we talked about for money before. Valkyrie could now be turned dark. Instead of the light, she now feeds off evil.

I’m only going to give out a few more free ideas. Eventually it costs money.

@Nimhain just wondering since we’re on the topic of fallen Valkyrie, are the Nephilim a storyline we’re going to see here in GoW?

They could just run a stake through every hero’s heart and say they were all Buffied.

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I’d like to say that the changes to Nobend Bros. are AMAZING.

Expect them on 100% of goblin teams within a week.



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Completely agree.
I’ve been playing with a Nobend-based team the past couple days, and it’s surprisingly competitive and fun.
Very pleased by this buff.