So, 2.0 is live. Bugs exist and the devs are exterminating as we speak. People stayed up late to play and tempers flared when expectations were not met and/or exceeded. I was one of those people. I logged in late, played too long, read forums, got frustrated, but held my tongue.
I woke this morning read MORE forums and gave this a lot of thought before starting this thread, I apologize for the backstory, but I think it’s important to understand that I am approaching this calmly.
It is my understanding that under the new 2.0 we have TWO categories of PVP, Casual and Ranked. It was my understanding that Casual would provide you TIER bonuses which were similar to the old system, while Ranked would offer a more difficult challenge for players willing to attain higher RANKS.
What I believe is happening here is players are missing out on the feeling of accomplishment that comes with playing GoW. At the moment, based on my experience, I have played and played and have yet to break through TIER 14. I checked the Casual screen and unless I am missing something the Casual PvP does not award ANY PvP points.So the ONLY way to achieve any rewards is to play Ranked matches. Effectively rendering Casual an obsolete mode before its out of the gate.
So, lets turn our attention to the Ranked system. At the moment, I might gain an odd number of points if I pull out a win, fine. But I KNOW I will lose points for my defense losses. So, despite the matches I have played because I have to deal with life and work and sleep, I am still only at 600 points. I have broken that 14 threshold about 6 times. If the TIER rewards are supposed to be akin to the old system and the RANKED rewards are for the players able to commit to a truly competitive, time-consuming PvP, then here is my suggestion.
TIER Rewards are granted solely on PvP points earned, and PvP points lost do not factor into the equation. This will allow casual players to be rewarded for their time spent in game and attain those rewards we have come to expect. It will also give us the feeling of accomplishment that is currently a gaping void in the heart of GoW.
RANKED rewards function as is. It is your real time PvP ability, defense team and invade team. How good of a GoW player are you?
I really think that this will solve nearly ALL of the issues I am seeing in this forum from devoted players who are currently extremely frustrated. I hope that this post is read with the care I gave it. I want nothing more than to see GoW great. I hope this helps!
Much love to the devs and community!
Keep Hunting… this is not the end…