2.0 Known Issues

Clicking the current leaderboard leader, “789789”, and then clicking “Fight” causes an endless spinner.


In the PvP, 3 out of my last 4 defense wins showed up with 0 points and weren’t added to the statistics. Also when I went up a tier so I could collect rewards, I was given the old screen when you enter PvP that showed the number of defense victories and defeats. I also don’t know if the rewards were credited.

Bugs aside, this is crazy insane (in a good way) and can’t wait for the consoles to get it.

This happened to me as well, but not at the daily rewards screen. It happened after the battle rewards, the first battle I completed after the day reset.

Was about to post about it aswell.Propably a botter?

cant do anything on PVP menus. also cant see enemy. fix it plz :slight_smile:

This is getting ridiculous.

I was just matched up against a level 51 player (I’m level 804). What kind of PVP matchmaking are we using in version 2.0?

And in that battle, I killed 2 of the units easily, but the other 2 remained, completely unkillable. Devour didn’t work (couldn’t select either enemy troop), IK’s spell damage didn’t hit any opponent and skull matchess had no-one to hit.
I had to kill the game to get out of this battle. Another loss for me I guess…

PVP is borderline unplayable right now (and IMHO I’m being generous giving the “borderline” designation)…

Try playing pvp again.

Thank you so much!!

My last 12 PVP options have been worth 10 PVP points for a victory, and between -10 and -7 points for a loss. Is this expected?

Don’t know if anyone else had this but I completed 60 revenge wins and received no event key.

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I have now been seeing goblins on defence teams to the point where it looks like this. Some nerf huh.
<img src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/business5/uploads/gemsofwar/original/2X/9/93289c76ed0c3659074b8acc7d3bf67d53cc0397.PNG” width=“690” height="33

Holy moly, 36 points to beat a level 173 player?

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Part of that might be people defaulting to goblins while the match making settles as they feel that they are a “safe bet” regardless of the actual reality…

I’m curious if those were all goblin teams or only happened to have one goblin that the game happened to pick up…

Every time I leave the PVP screen, the map centers on Glacial Peaks.

I will find out to be fair to all three.

Anyone got any intel?

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You can occasionally get assigned rivals, and fighting against them and winning will grant extra glory.

It might be related to people who you fight against a lot?

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Why is rival less than revenge though?

Good question. Maybe they are more likely than a revenge? Since a revenge requires them to have attacked you, where i think a Rival might just be due to you fighting them a lot

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I constantly get revenges vs ppl that didnt attack me, or at least dont show up in my battle log.