2.0 Known Issues

I got the exact thing too.

So I got the maw bug in reverse. The maw can no longer attack me. It took out moloch behind but it ain’t got nothing on Webspinner

What happens if you try to win?

That picture is bone dragon casting (unable to target my card) and skull generation leading to Webspinner standing unharmed

Traits on Webspinner are ignored venomous does not apply

Webspinner can not gain mana. He can only attack on skull drops

Maw and mercy down

Did you win or did you alt out?

Still playing


Is curse supposed to kill troops?

You mean “Death Mark”?

Start of match one of my opponents troops died. no one made a move but that troop died, one of my troops has curse and the enemy’s team was rather weak so i assumed my curse killed it. Is there a troop with less than 3 health?

Sorry @Geran but the bug works both ways


There might be a graphical bug with casual, completing a fight in casual does not add to the guild roster totals.

Oh, let me know if the Webspinner dies, or gains max life. I always wondered if this bug is negative life that will wrap around after some massive amount of damage.

Thought about testing it, decided to have a life instead. :wink:

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Ghost troop. This was against DHJL and it went ghosty when I used Dust Buster to get rid of Sheggs since she only had 4 life - but she did not die and was immune to anything I hit her with. I decided to wait and see if a skull match would see her off…and sure enough it did !

Incidentally, when she went ghostly there were 3 troops left - empty, sheggra, star gazer, mercy - in that order.

This is a slightly different version of the Ghost Troop. This is the “out of place” troop that has been going on with any of the movement items. The game still tracks their life correctly, but not their place in line for applying spells.

Serve and Protect, being used from the non-first position, was one of the easiest to see. My hero would move to the first slot, from the second, and gain Barrier, while the troop in slot 2 got the armor.

It was ghostly inasmuch as whatever I hit it with (rowanne etc) it was immune. Finally got rid with a skull match.

You were pretty unlucky. I’ve been playing a couple of months and there aren’t a lot of significant bugs, on PC anyway. Some little ones, maybe, but not game-breakers.

They just made a big update, so a few bugs are inevitable right now.

Alas, poor Sheggra… She wasn’t even supposed to be on guard duty. :cry:

I certainly hope the defense swapping bug is fixed sooner rather than later.


I like mobile now more sole of my lineups are utter garbage with the ai

Defense stats are definitely broken. I’ve been stuck on 4 wins most of the day, despite winning probably 20-25 battles and losing none.

The game is also constantly re-downloading assets. During every transition screen it now says “Downloading X of X” and there’s a ton of graphics and textures missing.

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