2.0.1 Arrives!

My records, and the stated x3, x3, x2 rates they stated, predict 27 runic, 5-6 arcane, 2-3 celestial. Nice to see reality lining up with expectations.

I really hope you consider dropping that requirement to 12.

I saw a quote by you (or another dev, I can’t remember whom) that said it should still happen 80% of the time.

But that hasn’t been my experience. I’ve played over 100 games since the update and I very rarely got the extra turn for Mab because people tend to use blue teams, so the AI sucks up all the blues. When it was 10, it was too perfect to get an extra turn almost every time, but now at 13 it seems too hard. And a lot of times 12 would have worked for me when 13 wouldn’t, but from my own head math that would have been around the 80% of my games that I played.

And this is even with Valkyrie supporting blues. You don’t want to use Valkyrie unless you can get a 4 of a kind, and with most teams using blue, the amount of potential 4 matches is very limited, and most of the time it doesn’t work out.

Again this was just my personal experience. I hope you consider lowering it to 12. I’m curious what the results are for other people and what they think about it. I do think the universal number should be raised, but 13 seems a bit too high.

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Like @Mekkalyn
I have had plenty of battles with not one single extra turn at 13. Only had 4 extra turns last night.
I cannot begin to tell you all how many times there was friggin only 12 blue on the board.

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Only time I get an extra turn is if I cast it on the same turn as I use Valkyrie and it didn’t generate too many blue cascades.

Almost 20% of the board i think needs to be covered in a specific colour. (math was 13/64x100 i think i am wrong about board size though)

I feel like if they are making cool new troops with this universal number they should definitely consider lowering it to 12 so it at least has a better chance of happening once a battle. I don’t think 12 is very unreasonable, myself. It’s harder to get than 10, but a bit more in line with something that could happen every battle than 13.

Not only that, but that 20% has to be arranged such that there are no runs of 3, otherwise it matches and cascades dropping below the threshold.

In a perfect distribution, you get 9 of each color/skull, so getting 10 is fairly trivial. But each step beyond that gets exponentially more difficult due to matches.

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oo shiny :sunglasses:


Nice weapon get. Congrats man.

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Ever thought of giving the Black Beast a special trait called Regurgitation in place of Regeneration as his third trait? It kinda makes sense for him considering how big his meal was. It takes a while to devour. So his magic gives him the option to regurgitate after eating his first ally instead of just eating the next ally until none remain. He will never get stuck with his spell. He will always activate it and skulls will pop out. The only thing that you need to determine is whether his spell will grant him a random stat or a certain amount of all stats.

Just a thought.

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I had a long winning streak ended by a Black beast that ate all his marauder friends. I was dodging skull setups until…alas…i met my demise.

@Sirrian, I don’t recall seeing a follow-up to this. Was curious since there are not yet any Clobbering troops in game. Thanks!

Do we know when MAB frozen skill will work again?

Mab’s frozen works now for PC. But, I think they can’t fix it on iOS until next week.

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Asha you rock, you seem to know everything! Here’s something new. What do you think about changing Herald of Chaos skill from targeting the first player to player of choice. I really like the card and the design but thinks that should be changed. Please tell me your thoughts

lol I don’t even know half of everything in this game. :smile_cat:

As for Herald, I don’t use him as much as I would like. I would love it if he could do targeted damage since he uses so much mana.

Well it’s settled Asha can you talk to the devs and see if they can change Herald, it’s such a cool card that deserves to be used more

Herald of Chaos already has a target for his spell:

Hex Blade (14 Purple/Brown)
Destroy a row. Deal [Magic + 1] damage to the first enemy and reduce a random Skill by [Magic + 1], boosted by Blue Gems destroyed. [2x]

The “row” in question is the target. No spell in the game allows for multiple targets to be selected, and that would require a fairly significant change to put into effect.

Besides, Herald’s third trait (Death Touch) means he’s going to see increased use, now that Death Mark is so much more deadly.


Interesting so Deathmark really works now or is it in the works? I think the skill should be hit any target rather then the first but that’s just me I guess.

See this thread for an ongoing discussion of the changes in 2.0.1 regarding Death Mark (with varying degrees of relevance throughout):