2.0.1 Arrives!

…and I don’t even need them… but hey, you can’t hate me more:smiley:


Sometimes took hundreds of battles for an arcane, i do believe that the ratio for hundred games now will be more lucrative.

Double facepalm when sarcasm gets through.

Super exciting update!

Is the Impervious supposed to avoid the damage from skulls as well as devour f.e from Maw?
I did a hit with Maw with skulls on a troop with Impervious and no damage was inflicted. Just wondering if thats correct behaviour.

I maybe feel that the change was not neccessary for all the troops, but only Mab since she was a very strong troop, and still is among the best Legendaries in the game. But for example for the winter wolf and thrall, which I rarly even meet when it was 10 gems of a sort for an extra turn, I just find that strictly.

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Dire Wolf was unquestionably too strong with that easy extra turn. Something clearly had to be done.

(In all seriousness, though, is the real reason coding restrictions? Because yeah, none of the other troops conditionals were even remotely powerful enough to warrant this.)


I agree…

There are only 8 troops with impervious, and none of them really stand out as a great counter to maw. Nothing with indigestible yet either.

I don’t really see the conditional extra turn change really making any difference, at least from where I’m standing. A few weak troops got weaker, and Mab will still basically one-shot any team I could field if I let her get her spell off.

Glad to see that list of bug fixes though.

It’s kind of an investment in upcoming troops… we want the number of gems which trigger something to be consistent, AND we have plans for more troops with really cool effects (like Mab). So we’ve upped that number, because 10 is just too easy to get if you build a team around it, and we want the extra effects to be really neat.

We’ll probably rework troops like Dire Wolf at some stage to be a little (lot) more interesting with what they do.


I can’t remember last time I was up against a Dire Wolf in PvP. So if I get you right, youre saying that Dire Wolf was too strong for Humans to use? I doubt that Dire Wolf was even close to be one of the most used troops by humans. I find it quite strange that you are saying that he was ‘unquestionable too strong’ and ‘Something clearly had to be done’, like you are talking for everyone in the entire community. I have never used Dire Wolf and he was never in my plans at all, I think I would if I found him as strong as you did. However the important questions is, did the majority of the community found him too strong? Is he one of the over used troops in the game?

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Fairly certain that was a sarcastic comment :slight_smile:

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Just a bit of sarcasm :slight_smile: I tried to make that clear with the “in all seriousness” follow up, but I can see how it could be misinterpreted in plain text. Dire Wolf is quite possibly one of the worst troops with this conditional, if not just one of the worst period. It is pretty clear the main thing considered for the 13 gems change was Mab and everything else had to be brought in line for whatever reason, which Sirrian has clarified that is is mainly for consistency and future troop considerations.

As english is not my former language, I easily can misinterpreted what is sarcasm or not. But it makes sense that it was sarcasm. However, I don’t find it funny to use sarcasm behalf of the Devs hard works or changes they decide into the game. It is just lack of respect towards them.

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Even tho, sarcasm can make you smile, I dont think its supposed to be a funny way of expressing things :slight_smile:
I know for sure that moralizing ppl isnt welcome either :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope it does not work like that.

how long do i have to refund troops

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Generally you have 1 week. Not sure this time around because the update occurred mid-event.

Out of 100 fights I’ve got: 24 runics, 5 arcanes and 3 celestials. For sure its better than grinding challenges :smiley:


That’s approximately what I’ve seen, @LostInLust. Big improvement over the old system. It’s now to the point where, if I’ve got a free hour to play, I can expect to get one or two Arcanes.

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