[1. Reported 2. Intended] PvP Tiers and VPs

This right here tells me you don’t actually play much PvP. Of course it’s not as bad if it doesn’t effect you personally.

On top of that, you’re near Level 1,560 at the time of the screenshot. Of course it’s not that bad, you’re in the prime spot to get the most VP out of this silly system.

Meanwhile the top of the Xbox Leaderboard this week has 2400 extra wins and only a 32,000 point lead over 2nd place. I’m sure he loved doing that much extra work for very little benefit. Takes the fun out of any of it, really.


Just to be clear, what theidleone is saying should not be taken personally, its literally just the fact of the matter. I just hit 1500, and yea, the scoring is perfectly fine at this level, occasionally I a get a terrible selection but most times I have a 70+ VP fight available. But as you climb higher in level, there is very little to no difference between a level 1500 and any higher level, but the scoring drops off to near nothing by the time you are in the low 2000’s.

For as much time as you might spend in PvP, even just doing the weekly goals, people over level 2000 need to spend nearly twice as long to complete them. Considering the time it took to complete the weekly PvP rewards before the update was what? like 25-30 fights? and now its ~70 for most people, but as much as like 120 for those at higher levels. Its just a needless handicap that does nothing except require those who have already put in the most time in the game to spend even more of their time in this game mode.

Its possible to be understanding of why this is an issue even if it is not personally affecting you (yet).


A continuous main problem around here.
Seemingly… partly due to competitive inexperience with the own game, partly due to ignorance (not possible right now, everyone is on vacation!!!1), maybe lazyness to make improvements, or maybe unwillingness, or lack of knowledge about how to - or ultimately just not caring?
We don’t know about the exact reasons and can only speculate.

While that’s true, it is undeniable that normally a level 2000+ player should still have it way more comfortable in pvp than a level 1000 player due to troop pool, available weapons, classes, account strength, playing experience, etc etc.

If the company perception is, that a level 2000+ player is more likely to spend more time with the game and you want to reach a certain competitiveness throughout the leagues then the current model seems logical. How harsh it is implemented is a debateable flaw, if it should be implemented in the first place is another question. Would it really be “more fair” to the level 1000 player without those restrictions, or would those level 1000 players not stand much/any chance for good leaderboard placements and ultimately not even start playing? Another big flaw is having to rank down to maybe have a chance for placement rewards next week or in a few weeks. I’m currently in ruby and have multiple top100 players battling for top3. All accounts with a higher level, but seemingly with way more time than me (due to my full time job?) - just judging from overall matches played.
But obviously I don’t know if they’re just farming the low vp players in oneshot matches in the desired kingdom with the quickest team possible or if they’re hunting for silver marks playing against the high vp players in not oneshot matches with (not just) slightly more bad teams.

And about the backfiring part: Players helping players is a completely free choice. Do it or don’t. Sure the game lacks information in so many aspects - still free choice. Everyone externally “helping out” is doing it out of personal motives, f.e. to acquire/help new guildmates, 5mins of fame, “fun of it”, or whatever. If ingame decisions “backfire” - as they may - then it is what it is. But so to say “make things easier for the top dogs … as not to anger them” seems like another really bad forced process.

The company is only relying on the (big) spenders, I’m sure here and there are many people doing microtransactions once in a while, and the big spenders, will continue to do so because of fomo, and if by now the money income hasn’t gone down significantly, they ultimately won’t care about 1-2 persons maybe quitting / spending a bit less, and for sure about those “not playing pvp”.

Smiled a bit about that equally flawed calculation. But just if all those people would suddenly for once appear and post (the same thing) in this topic - the playerbase would have quite a bit more pressure medium.

As I didn’t read up about much pvp related stuff during last forum banned month ^^ is there “solutions” or possibilities to make things more fair?


I don’t take it personally and I do understand it’s frustrating - a lot of my post is agreeing that it doesn’t make sense, I’m just saying to treat others how you’d like to be treated and not spam so much anger lol. But also look at the bell curve of the player base and what percent is over 2,000. If you’re over 2,000 you likely have almost everything 100% completed. So then it’s like farming explore for medals to gold troops or farming PvP. When you’re new you’re spread a lot more thin. A lot of the time my battles are around 50 on average. My big post to begin with was like it doesn’t make sense to have the highest VP be 1 trophy and the least rewards. But yeah, apparently people don’t like being told to calm down, who knew :sweat_smile::joy:

Well, tbf, people have been asking for many ways to get books of deeds for a very long time, and they finally add a way and tell the people who have been asking for it the longest, that they need to spend nearly twice as long as anyone else to get them. Its just a bit scummy. Also the fact that this isn’t a bug, but a design flaw, means we have to actually work to convince them that something is wrong. We cant just say it isnt working and have them look into it, we have to explain WHY it isnt working so that they understand its an awful system as is.

Overall though, i like this PvP update. It made PvP worth playing. I just wish there was something worthwhile to do with silver marks, that demoting on purpose to farm top-3s wasn’t the best strategy, and that the scoring was a flat amount or at least not as skewed as it is now.


That is a really good point

I know VPs have been disscused a lot, but I feel I should post this screenshot. It’s from my fustrated guildmate who keeps asking whether PvP will be fixed.

