1.0.8: need troops +1 to sacrifice? UPDATE: yes!

Apart from my Mythic Dire Wolf horde… cue sinister howling laughter…


Will be very powerful. Setting all those Mythic Hunter’s Mark on your enemies. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mythic Hunter’s Mark

(status effect) definition - Silence, Entangle, Poison and Burn the enemy, add Hunter’s Mark, and give all status effects infinite duration.

[quote=“Jainus, post:41, topic:1922, full:true”]Mythic Dire Wolf horde…

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf…?

You should change your title to “Bad Wolf,” though maybe only @RiverSong and I will get the reference…

Who knows, maybe we’ll see these Dire Wolf traits:

1.) Master Hunter: Hunter’s Mark is applied to the whole opposing team.
2.) Unrelenting: Hunter’s Mark never expires.
3.) Deadly Aim: Hunter’s Mark doubles damage from all sources.

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Pure genius :slight_smile:

Heh, or about this one:

Homing Beacon: Skull damage is applied to targeted troop regardless of position.

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I bought 18 anointed ones.
15 to get them to mystic and 3 to play.
It ate half of my points… :disappointed:


That’s been suggested a few times as a direct edit to Hunter’s Mark anyway… and yes, +1, great idea!

If it was only half my points I might, but it would be all of them. Besides, they’ll show up in chests soon.

I didn’t want to take a chance, I have many other cards I need.
I hope we’ll really get more points with the new version!

In theory, the glory prices on event troops will be raised (again) to compensate for us getting glory from invades. But that won’t matter for those of us who play enough. The question is, what else will be around to spend it on. I’m not going to drop another 1400 on it to get what will likely amount to +2 to all stats or something until I know a bit more.

that reference omg i am too old for the doctor

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With apologies to both John Fogerty and the Doctor: “I see a Bad Wolf rising, I see trouble on the way.”