0/22 how long do i keep playing?

idk when the last time i harvested extra copies was, but as of right now, i have 22 copies of the first set of boss dragons and no green dragon.

including TEN copies of the brown dragon.

straight rng should give me a 1/6 chance of getting a green dragon

if their rng model is THAT messed up, what do i have to play for?

i know some folks have never gotten a hoarde mimic either.

gow, y’all need to provide a method that doesn’t rely on rng when your rng is not working.


Thing is, as far as I can tell it is working and well within what you would expect from randomness. Given enough players, some are all basically guaranteed to be fortunate enough to get all 6 dragons in 6 pulls. And some others are basically guaranteed to be unfortunate enough to not get all 6 dragon in well past 25 pulls. There is nothing special to see here, this is how probabilities work.

The absolutely mind boggling part is releasing a system like this without some kind of safety net for excessively unfortunate players. It breeds unhappiness, drives players a way and gives the game a bad reputation. There are many ways to mitigate this, you can find them in just about any other game, it’s just Gems of War that keeps insisting on handling this as hostile as possible at every opportunity. Sentinels come to mind here, as most recent addition. At this point the only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that someone on their side must hate gamers with a passion.


Their team have their own agenda. Pushing out useless shit that does not work or nobody wants… and not fixing simple stuff or spending time on quality of life improvements. Yes, i came to the same conclusion - they must hate the players and trying to force everyone to quit.

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oh i think it is special, which was my point. i’m not a math person, so i can’t work out the probabilities. but missing out on 22 pulls is i know very very low probability.

esp when i’m 10/22 with another pull.

i know these aren’t winning the lottery level low, but i’m sure they aren’t within3 deviations on a bell curve normal either.

ofc i have given up hope they would offer the dragons in another way for folks who were unlucky.
THAT was suggested to them within a month of the introduciton.

I really don’t under why this should even be a complaint. Just make it so that once you get a dragon it is removed from the drop pool and once you have all 6 dragons add them all back. If you want a second green dragon you just have to keep opening eggs and if you get unlucky and pull 10 of each dragon before getting a second green then that is just bad luck.

It really sucks have a couple of the dragons and to grind PvP to get gold mark that you then use to buy dragonite to open an egg only for it to be a duplicate.

I came back to the game after a break. I grinded out PvP to get gold mark that I used to get a dragon and after that I continued using marks for dragonite and got a perfect dungeon run and had enough for a second dragon and it was the same one I already had. I had 2 of the blue gem dragons and 0 of the other 5.

This system is already in the game for path to glory. On day 30 when you get the legendary or mythic troop it will give you one that you do not own yet. This system should be used for the dragons too because you can use real money to get them. You can buy gems with real money and then use those gems to buy dragonite in the dungeon offers. You can buy gold marks with real money and then use those gold marks to buy dragonite in the PvP shop.

This could even make the game money. If we were guaranteed to get a new dragon and people knew that for 11.5k dragonite they could 100% get all 6 gem dragons, all 6 cosmic dragons, Diamantina and Stellarix some people would be willing to buy gems and get the dungeon dragonite daily and buy gold marks to get dragonite daily from the PvP shop. I would be willing to buy gems and gold marks if I knew that I could get Stellarix with a bit of time but there is no way in hell I would ever buy gems or marks for dragonite if it was possible that my real money would get me a troop I already had.

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Here’s the probability chart:

36 eggs is the first time you hit 99% probability.

By 50 you should have it for sure.

I got tired of waiting for dragonite (and Tacet has a tendancy to build teams with dragons) so I spent some and happened to get the gem dragon group in 15 eggs. Still haven’t built the weapons yet because I want to get the celestial group first.

Good luck.

You could kinda think that if you had opened no eggs.
But if you’ve opened 49 and are still missing 1 dragon, the chance you get it with the 50th is still only 1/6.

I agree there should be a limit though (I have both the big dragons)
4 of each like the guild guardians sounds fair. 21 total pulls max for something that should be an average of ~15 isn’t too bad. And it is a reason for players to push on.

As for the 2% ? chance to get a sentinal? I don’t need to worry about dupe protection when I haven’t even seen my first despite clearing most rooms every week…

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Even though i have a full set of dragons, Ive always thought there should be someway of trading in multiple dragon cards for the ones your missing or desire, im not sure what would be fair as an amount to trade without looking at account data but six would seem an appropriate .

I feel your pain. Both sets cost me mid-20s in eggs for all. Another way to look at it is you have an 83% chance of not getting green every single time. For Stella I was hatching 4 batches of 8 at a time. Ouch.

“within 3 deviations on a bell curve” covers an awful lot of ground, especially in a relatively small sample size. 22 pulls might seem like a lot given the necessary effort (or spending) to accumulate that much dragonite, but that’s still a pretty small sample size, all things considered.

I have not spent a dime on purchasing dragonite, so my only source is either the once in a blue moon gnome or getting a perfect dungeon run. I was able to get the original 6 dragons, and finally saved up enough dragonite to craft the 3 rings. Now I am saving up to craft Diamantina, currently only have 326 dragonite. I have yet to even start trying my luck on the set of 6 dragons.

And I believe I got lucky with my pulls, even though unlike other people, it’s taken me a lot longer to be able to try my luck with them. I ended up with 1x Amethialas, 3x Emeraldrin, 3x Garnetaerlin, 4x Rubirath, 2x Sapphirax, and 1x Topsarth.

Though personally, the RNG for the dragons isn’t what will get me to quit the game. Though the RNG on the stupid horde mimic probably will. 3 separate levels of RNG in hopes of even getting this and I can’t even attempt to earn in or save up anything for and try my luck mulitple times in a row. Instead I have to just keep spending hours and hours and hours grinding our Explore in the hopes that RNGesus smiles on me only to be constantly disappointed and discouraged.

And all to get what is basically a worthless throwaway troop card, where the only reason I am still trying to get it is because its tied to a Xbox achievement.

The playerbase gets smaller with each day as people keep quitting over the increased RNG needed to obtain anything and the over-monetization of every single aspect of the game.

I am honestly not surprised that there isn’t an option yet to outright buy a single copy of a troop card you are missing in your collection for $50+. I mean the game puts 3 troops in the shop each week for $25-$50, but they are never mythic in rarity.

The game used to be fun, but since update 4.7, the game has been on a steady decline, where its not really fun to play, and instead feels more like a chore that I am forcing myself to do. If it wasn’t for all the time I had already invested into the game and my guildmates, I probably would have quit already.


forgive me for not looking it up, i think it’s about 98%

another poster says it takes 36 to get to99%
seems a bit high, but they did the math, i didn’t.

anyway, up to 24 now w no green dragon.

that’s 24 i know of, i cannot recall if i have turned extra copies into souls since i got any dragons. so it might be higher.

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