What just happened?! Most bizarre series of bugs, or litteral game breaking defense?

I already edited my OP - was a bit late as I forgot about this topic and had other events requiring my attention.

Still somewhat perplexed how offended some were about the all caps comment, and even others claiming ruffled feathers over 4 letter names. Even though my original post made no mention of the length of the name…so odd how they interpreted that.

Un-needed information. But I’ve always loath the caps-lock key, and in the past 7 some years have made it my new habit to remove the actual press-able key with each new keyboard. I hate accidentally hitting the key and coming across as a buffoon. (more so then usual!)

I’ve often never seen the purpose of all caps. The times I’ve seen it put to good use or comical success are rare. Maybe I’m alone on that stance :}

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Seems even you post more memes than me these days… I must be dieing

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You sound melancholy. I wonder if you could find a gorilla picture to capture that particular emotion?

Gorilla is easy… how about melon-collie


Okay, you bastard, you made me smile. It won’t happen again.


Crap, I have failed you.

There’s a concept called “theory of mind”, which is basically the ability to understand that other people have their own thoughts, beliefs, emotional states, etc. that are different from our own. This is generally presumed to be an ability that all functioning human adults have, with deficits being rare. In actuality, people seem to be pretty poor at it, or simply have little interest in exercising it. It’s just so much easier, so much more efficient, to just assume that your own perspective is the only reasonable one, that it’s perfectly obvious, and that anyone who doesn’t share it is a complete moron.

A few people may have focused unnecessarily on your commentary on the name because there has been several threads over the past few months that have danced around the “no callouts” line, sometimes maliciously, so they may have presumed that this was another one. Once again, so much easier to judge before reading the whole thing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But it’s another example of how history and context can affect how people interpret things.

The 4 letter names thing was a joke, not something anyone interpreted you as making a point about. They were most likely trying to suggest that if all caps can be taken as a sign of something suspicious, then so can anything else, like the length of the name, or the letter it starts with.

As for capital letters… I come to think that they’re unnecessary decoration and mostly serve to unnecessarily complicate language, making it more difficult to teach (you mean I have to learn two alphabets that have no meaningful distinction between them?), and more difficult to handle in software. But I use them anyway, because effective communication requires the agreement and cooperation of both parties, and other people are used to them. I’m used to them, even if I’d rather they didn’t exist.

And even worse than all-caps text is capitalizing the first letter of every word. Now that’s torturous to read!

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