Video: Courage Teams

Hello everyone! Today I go over teams for the Guardian of Courage showing both early game and late game compositions for the troop. He is easily the most powerful guardian in the current meta due to how well he works within a skull spam team. He serves every single purpose that a skull spam team could possibly want including 2 different attack buffs, skull spawning, spawns his own color of reds which are used on many attack related troops, and does an HP buff all in ONE troop.


Thanks! I love the team that has Jarl, Hellcat, Mercy and Courage

But I’d struggle in some matches because I’d get unlucky with my spawning, so for really tricky matches that have a nasty yellow or red troop (specifically famine in my case), I put in Queen Mab rather than Mercy (since the only real reason to have her is for cleanse, slight heal, but mostly to get the ball rolling quicker) to get freezes going. She never fills up and I use her solely for her trait, but that trait can save botched jarl or courage casts and allow you to still win.

And for going against Mab or Gorgotha teams I switch out Mercy for Emperor K to disable Gorgotha/ Mab’s trait. I never use his skill, just use for his trait.

Anyways those swap outs have saves some games for me and make it easier to win tricky matches. If the enemy doesn’t have a Gorgotha, Queen Mab or a Famine then I always use the default team. Just thought I’d throw that out there for anyone who has problems with those tricky troops :slight_smile:

My courage team:

Bone Dragon
Giant Spider

Banner is Purple x2 , Red, -1 Yellow

At first glance it looks weird, but the bits pair well. BD strips armor and mass produces skulls, skull matches get boosts off courage. Hellcat makes red so Courage is more likely to get a match on use. Spider uses up the other mana, makes purple to feed BD and Hellcat, and if BD dies puts up a string of fodder. Courage just chills, letting his 3rd trait skill up damage and if lots of reds/skulls can cycle. And of course BD’s freeze on hit mitigates any really bad Courage casts.

The only real problem: salad dragon. I had a match where it kept BD all tangled up. I still used BD to strip all enemy troops of armor with tons of skull matches doing 1 or 2 points. By the end Hellcat had well over 200 attack. I let them kill BD then the kitty ate them, including his Draakulis with over 150 life.


@Tacet I don’t have War troop therefore I do not make this team. Any replacement for War troop?

Jarl fully traited is a good alternative. These days people tend to just use Bone Dragon with Courage due to skull spam.

@Tacet I don’t have Jarl. Any replacement?

You played below team on video;

Corrupt Sorcerers

What is the purpose of dragonmoth? I need red gems but it remove red gems if has 12 or more on board. It has low attack. I don’t understand what is the purpose? Please clarify.

Can I change your team as below?

Brian the lucky

Please ask all my question.


My Favorite courage team bar none

In fact it’s actually my favorite invade team…

If they have salad dragon I use
Eternal Flame

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Dragon’s claw banner

Jarl is nice n all but double courage is much more effective.

Dragonmoth is relatively weak, but with a red spawn team it can get a decent explosion off.

I would advise going with what you said, except with replacing out Brian the Lucky. You can either replace Brian the Lucky out for Sylvanimora or the easier to obtain Archon Statue.

Archon Statue