Video: 1.0.9 Best Teams

Actually it can, I think, but the chance is greatly reduced… it was changed a while back…

Thanks Tacet, enjoyed your videos.

To add to the thread, I’ve used the Jarl/Maloch team mentioned earlier and like it, but I’ve also been enjoying this team a bit (Saw it somewhere on the forums and tweaked slightly)

Knight Coronet
Giant Spider
Keeper of Souls

I think having Knight traited is important, other traits are gravy. I can win most PVP fights AND get a ton of souls for it, so I’m a big fan.


Valkyrie was third in the behemoth team, it was more for show though and I wouldn’t recommend playing it heavy without some modifications

I pulled my first Bat the other day and put together a team that is


What is a more competitive version of a Bat deck if you only have one Bat?

Replace a Soothsayer with Crescendo.

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I think I may have put together another very powerful team that may be eligible to be considered as a power team

Green/Purple Banner
Green Seer
Giant Spider
Boar Rider

I just put this team together and have so far won every PVP match I played. All troops being fully traited would be a plus but right now I have
Moloch (1)
Green Seer (0)
Giant Spider (2)
Boar Rider (1)

Green Seer fills with 2 unserged purple matches and fills Spider with excess going to Boar Rider, Spider fills Seer with excess also going to Boar Rider, Boar Rider casts and takes an extra turn, then the loop goes on forever, once I open the loop I haven’t dropped it yet, and with Moloch fully traited, suppression triggers with nearly every spell cast, if the combo does eventually drop the enemy may be too weak to fight back with diminished attack and magic.

@Tacet would you mind giving me a little feedback on this, I’m sure you have Moloch fully traited and can grade the team better then I, let me know whatcha think


@Cell I was able to fully trait Moloch tonight and I tried your team. I’m no tactician in this game but the team you suggested is quite capable. I did lose control of the board a couple times but it doesn’t take many turns to get it back. And Moloch’s Supression is very effective at chewing down the abilities of the opponents.

:thumbsup: from me anyway.

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@Cell I really like the team!

I don’t personally use Moloch due to how long he takes to win a match, but those teams are very solid. He will be a really good troop to have for a defend team when 2.0 rolls around.

I’m more of a Crimson Bat person. This game is also still set up in a way that building Valkyrie into a deck is a bit of a must, particularly for players that still use souls… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I can only imagine what a 2.0 video will be with the summon rework and whatever other changes they make. :slight_smile:

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I was thinking the same thing. I’m still new to the game and harldy have legendaries (let alone useful ones, cough garnok cough) so the only experience with them is by playing against them. But if you create a loop team, the other team will hardly have any managain, and so you lose much of moloch’s power? Unless, since i dont know his traits, he tanks better then Bat.

The best loop team for lower leveled players would be:

Hero (Any Blue weapon, the rare Daemonic Khopesh is best.) (Knight class, +8 HP perk)
Alchemist **
Valkyrie ***
Banshee *
Red/Yellow Banner

It gains a lot of gold and souls and can loop between Alchemist, Valkyrie, and Banshee. A person as low as level 30 could easily build that team, except without the traits. It would be good to get up to Alchemist to 2 traits, Valkyrie to 3, and Banshee to 1.


I run the same lineup but with Sadowcat instead of the first soothsayer. He can dodge but more importantly his first shot instakills and his second leaves the scraps for the bat. And with the Valkyrie providing the mana engine for both it is a quick lineup that generates souls

yeah indeed. I’m 63 now and run Treant**, valk**, alch**, banshee**

couple of questions:

  • valk 3rd trait: gain bonus blue mana from blue matches: meaning excess blue mana get added to valks yellow/red mana pool?
  • do i invest in searching for arcane swamp for treant’s 3rd trait (stoneskin)?
  • banshee’s 2nd trait jynx seemed too good not to take? why shouldnt i have had?

Also: i got majorly lucky last 2 days from chests: carnex, gorgotha, jarl, kos, psion

Bonus blue mana means that anytime you make a blue match one of your team members that uses blue will get bonus blue mana.

Stoneskin is an amazing trait, especially on Treant, so if you enjoy this team and continue using it, traiting it is absolutely worth it and the stones are available for Glory this week.


Yeah, Treant/Alchemist/Valkyrie/Banshee becomes infinitely better with Treant’s third trait, you can deliberately take a couple of hits to prevent scary enemy abilities from going off, while looking for ways to get your own combo going. It also works well with his own ability and how often valkyrie fills it, to extend his lifespan. Definitely buy the glory pack with the Arcane Swamp stone thrice, if you can afford it. I’m only level 140, but TAVB still holds up very well, thanks to Stoneskin. Farming them is possible, but it’s no fun at all - and it can easily take 40-50 matches in Maugrim Woods to get even a single one to drop.

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Thanks for the heads up on this, I’d somehow missed this fact! Guess I’ll be finally getting Treant’s third trait this week!

And so i spent my glory on 3 packs getting this trait, absolutely loving it! solid as a rock!