This Meta You Speak Of

I did not say “well” balanced. I said “perfectly” balanced. There is a MASSIVE difference there. You can have balance without everything being perfectly even.

If all options were perfectly even and equally effective, there would be no tradeoffs for anything, so all players would simply resort to the method that takes the least effort, seeing as how all of them will have the same result, anyway. That is a meta of its own as well.

If you go further and make all equal options take an equal amount of effort, then you can be considered to have “perfect” balance. This is just not remotely realistic, if at all possible. There needs to be variability. There need to be things that are less effective for less effort, things that take more effort but are more effective, and it needs to be left to players to find where they like to sit between them.

I could go further and bring win rates into this as well, and how no game can be perfectly balanced until the win rates of all strategies are even as well (4x peasant winning just as often as Manti/Manti/DB/BD, for example)

It’s just… Not realistic. There will always be a meta, no matter how well you balance a game.


I think we’re splitting hairs and talking past each other. You’re looking at “perfect” balance as some sort of scientific or mathematical formula, I think.

For me, “perfect” balance doesn’t mean that everything is equal, it just means everything is equally FUN.

In my previous post, I referenced Starcraft. That game was masterfully balanced and even though all 3 sides weren’t the same, they were “perfectly” balanced, IMHO.

Gems has almost 300 troops and there are about a dozen that we se over and over and over again. There’s really no reason we should be discussing “perfect” balance when this game obviously is still at the other end of the spectrum, so to speak.

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You shouldve read my other posts, perfect balance doest exist in videogames, what we need is a changing meta by deckbuilding rather released hardcounters. That balances toward fun. numbers arent fun, creative lebensraum is. Personalization > Speed in gameplay. Whoever liked simplicity for long anyway. …It gets old real fast.

That’s what I was implying :slight_smile:
If there’s competition there’s meta.


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Get a room you two! :heart_eyes:

No one gets to talk about Don that way but me. :heart_eyes:

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Oh we should organize a fight in chocolate. You would be fighting in bikinis and the winner gets me!


All day I was proud of starting a thread that was getting some good discussion going. Now that I see where it’s gone I’m not so sure it was a good thing :smile:

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Just going to post this right here. might be the next meta for the next 4 days…or maybe not.

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Well some things don’t change…

But they’re worth Event Gems now, @Jainus:stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: He says, as his PvP choices immediately after posting look very similar… :frowning:

totally agree with that

also i like the idea about splitting impervious into 2 traits with smaller amount of immunities each (maybe a little more then just 3 per, but still)

and i still wait for a mana drain immunity trait U_U

to be honest i believe that there SHOULD NOT be a harmful effect in game - aside from pure damage dealing - that has no immunity trait for it

  • coz whatever it is, it should not work for SOME units. just some or at least some,
    that would bring more balance making every single meta not a “100% universal/ effective”

I wish people were kind and using my defence team. Ghoulx2, sunweaver, summoner. It creates unlimited undead so you can quickly finish the event. (well quickly is a matter of opinion seeing as you are at the mercy of the ai using its summoner spell.

I’d gladly fight you if I ever saw you little mouse.

3x ghoul + summoner looks more appealing to me

After playing pvp, i should be in the roster thingy for invades. This is why i wish i could just click a button that turns on invades that automatically activates if i invade someone else.