The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread Part 1 (Closed)

We talking about @death ? :slight_smile:

Death says it’s Adana which means Ghiralee and blade traitstones.

He’s one, and the most helpful one at that. He rather PM me and let me do a write-up.

Hmmm, should I trust you? I will based on I’ve never heard a bad word about you, only good

Tomorrow’s Event will be the Kingdom of Adana. The Event Troop will be Ghiralee and the Arcane Traitstone available will be Blades (Yellow/Blue)

Yellow/Blue Troops for those Arcane Blades:
Knight Coronet
The Silent One

UPCOMING: Borealis, Astral Spirit and The Devoted

#Event Chests:
Will contain mostly Adana Troops, featured Legendary is Carnex.


Cool thanks! now the question does she worth it?

She’s mostly just a counter to Constructs.

Updated the OP with the new Event and the 3 Forest of Thorns Troops PC got

It’s not the 8th troops?



It is the 8th

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Really hoping one carnex drops for me tonight.

Is Astral Spirit still worth using? Ill buy a second ghiralee for the stones if she is (400 glory is still a lot for me)

On PS4 I got a Carnex from opening 65 glory keys yesterday. I hope you had that luck too!
Now I can keep saving up my glory and gems and 4 event keys. There’s not really anything else I absolutely need to have from Adana. I’m going to buy Ghiralee with glory though. Maybe twice, for those arcanes. 400 glory is indeed a lot though sigh

One you have all 3 stars, 400 glory will be nothing

Thats probably 6 months away for me

Lol I’m still far removed from 3 stars for one kingdom let alone all of them : p The highest I have is a silver star on two kingdoms ^^’ not much of an accomplishment yet. I’m almost at one gold star with Zaejin I think.

That will be a wonderful day though when I have all my kingdoms up to three stars.

Well, I got Carnex…after using almost the entire remainder of my gems. I have to hope Zajein, Khetar, Divinion Fields, Wild Plains, and the release of Glacial Peaks is a long way off so I have time to replenish.

Is Carnex worth it?