Spring has Sprung

Hmm, not that I’m eager to check it, but I guess it would make DDs very popular even after the nerf.
Or maybe not. Maybe Maw… :smile:

No, we don’t. We really, really don’t :wink:

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The Troops need definitely more Magic Attack Power instead of a Nerf Concert… The Defence Teams are just insane atm in PvP…

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At the risk of being seen as a geek-raging, neon-raver (pictured above without the glowy-dance thingy-batons), I most certainly agree.

Love the game, love the Devs, hate the flipping nerfs. I also love whatever this thing is.

I mainly PvP; and it is getting progressively more time-consuming and frustrating to gnaw through ever more impressive defense teams–bristling with traits, Mythic shininess, and a hatred of mankind–at a funeral pace.

Thank you for your attention. Disagree? That wombat thing shows up at your door looking to start trouble…

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That’s a baby rabbit.


Even worse! As long as it’s ill tempered and knows Kung Fu, you still don’t want that thing showing up at your door… remember the knights and the bunny of Caerbannog? Terrifying.

The more I think about it, the more these responses bother me. I know better than to get into a political debate on an internet forum, let alone a game forum…

but all these defenses of the art are so familiar, and remind me why I tend not to participate in game communities. I don’t feel welcome.

I’m going to make myself scarce around here for a while. Have fun with your imp boobs, I guess.


Gorgotha … Yeassss

The saddest thing, and I’m already sad about Sheggra’s over-nerf, is that this lovely new Imp does not have a weekly mini-incentive (as Runesmith did) to truly welcome her into our decks. :sob:

Ouch indeed. The first rule of GoW club: you don;t give nerf tips to devs. The second rule…

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An actual hit there. Did we learn something from the anaconda (or the hat or whatever?)

Devouring big should invoke entangled. Devouring huge drop double entangled plus frozen. With immense probably drop to last place change color to green then summon a bunny for the opponent.

… or alternatively topple, burn to the ground and then sink into the swamp

Now that’s an appropriate response. No one even cares about imps boobs. For god sake, internet is so full of real boobs, and they aren’t hard to find, no one will even start thinking about spring imp in any kinky way, and no one will even notice her boobs. Until she commented i didn’t even look at them. .
Why is everyone defending art? You’ve got boobs (significantly larger then the imps) jumping out of any channel your tv is on, anywhere on the street you look there will be boobs larger then spring imps, and often showing quite a lot. But let’s burn the artist. . How come no one ever complains about shirtless, musclar male troops. .

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Glad to know you’re keeping abreast of the situation.


This conversation looks booby trapped.


My mammary is fuzzy. Are you saying I was nerfed?

I like how this topic currently only has 2 likes. I think that has to be an all time low for an event week post. xD

I just double checked to make sure one of those likes wasn’t my accidentally big thumb…

I guess it makes sense for them to nerf everything now. If they do it all during 2.0, people are going to hate on 2.0 as a whole just because of the nerfs. If there is “nothing” left to nerf when 2.0 rolls around, people will like 2.0 more.