Snow-body Loves Me


This is so cool… Mr. Snowman Guardian seriously kicks butt!

Yay, with the Mr Snowman event, I am getting twice as many Yellow traitstones all the time! Bonus…


So which are the best kingdoms to Explore for Monsters again?

Dragons count aswell… go for dragon kingdom. Unless you got no use for red/yellow arcanes.

Khetar has four troops come up when I search for “monster”. If you still need blue/purple runics/arcanes for Mab, you can sort of kill two birds with one stone.

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i wanna see the Timelord card and his flavor text in the future :grin:


@Tacet @JasonAshcroft
It is 8x for Webbed, Frozen and Hunter’s Marked with the Frostling.

EDIT: Also in looking through the list of troops TECHNICALLY Tau could have pulled off an 8x before this, but only against Visk (Needs to be a dragon and a knight with hunter’s mark) But Frostling is the first to be able to do it to any kind of troop. Level 20 Mythic Frostling with no team buffs will have 14 attack, so in theory will be able to deal 112 damage to a target with a single skull match. Though it’s worth pointing out that you need to get Hunter’s Mark on there as well as have Frostling’s ability go off before this is possible, and you need to find a skull match before any of the three buffs wear off.


That’s the best you could come up with? The same way, Crimson Bat can do 8x against wounded divine, and Bunni’nog can do 10x against knights.

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I purposely skipped Bunni’nog since it felt really specific, but then again so is Tau. I’m tired I think :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually got hit by that last week. Totally not paying attention. Dead Mercy.

We also have Winter Wolf - Freeze, Hunter’s Mark and damage to first enemy, double damage to Frozen enemies.

That’s only 4x damage in that case, 2x from Frozen, and 2x from hunter’s mark?


This is the most ironically timed event possible. Last night me and my girlfriend broke up.


Beware Orion this week. +25% for fey, +25% for kingdom, along with his 3rd trait letting him bypass armor he just melts the opposition.

76/70 defense 43 attack for me. Seems legit.

Good spot… I was trying to remember if there was a DF Fey and, er, didn’t get around to him…

I saw that attack, if only I had him traited xD

Can someone tell me how much base damage does SG does on level 20? :slight_smile:

At 19 mine has 25 magic and 31 damage.

But, that is with +6 from kingdoms, +2 from guild, and +25% for being fey. Which if my math is right would put the base around 12. Likely +1 more for level 20, which would base damage at 19

Oh, and +1 for each blue troop, and +1 for every spell cast (applied before damage is calculated)

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