Pop goes the Weasel

Yeah I’m running Nobend/Fizzle/Grapple/G King (Frozen) and it’s destroying right now. I only threw in Goblin King in the event of a bad start and need to replace NoBend. Maybe I’ll replace him with a second Fizzle…

Nobend and Fizz x 2 just loop forever.
But the AI does it too.

You’re suppose to get the update this week.

Perhaps the next patch they will push to consoles first. My guess is that Apple and Google got the approvals back to them before Sony and Microsoft, so they scheduled PC/Mobile first.

This seems to be the way they want the game to go. Look at the Forest Troll 3xKraken teams.

Is it bad I’m enjoying playing Goblins now…BROKEN

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Yes, but where is the team wide mana gain, spell refill and extra turn?


Looking for he next nerf of guild tasks because “every” players are using a Goblin team and so on, generate more gold by hour :wink: .

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Double Fizz, Grapple, Nobend is just so good. Perfect colors, infinite loop with 100% certainty that you won’t give cascades to enemy. And none of them needs to be traited.

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Really nice releasing super OP troops that include an extra turn in the midst of everyone complaining about the AI looping too much. Jesus…


Pop goes the Weasel^^

Loop-hole in one-turn :woman_factory_worker:t3:

“Wham! Bam! Kapow! Fizz! Bang!” Victory subtitle for Fizzy the Gangbanger :rofl:
Nobey, Fizzy and Grabby sit on a wall…
“Hero Gumbo in the pot” Grappy
“All for fun, and fun for all!” Brotherhood

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So I actually had to make a team to stop the looping .
It includes a freezer and a card that gains when enemy cast a spell…

I’m not entirely sure what was the decision-making process behind “let’s give this troop full-board explosions and a guaranteed extra turn.”


A misguided effort to expand the Goblin game in order to assist the onboarding process. That would be my uneducated guess.

Ok I tested it. Yeah it’s OP. Sorry, can’t stop laughing while playing :slight_smile:

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But it’s fun. And nicer to play against than the wisps

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I am super happy with both of these troops. I’ve had more plain ol’, flat-out fun today than I’ve had in a long time - and that matters a lot.

  • Fizzbang is fantastic. People have said that she should deal damage, but I emphatically disagree. She’s perfect as-is: she’s an exploder that gives you a turn to leverage the result of that explosion, and that’s phenomenal. Granted, she pays for that with mediocre traits, but that’s OK too since it keeps her focused on her job - exploding and giggling about explosions. The stat gain - even if doubly random - is a nice side benefit!
  • Grapplepot is likewise dead-on perfect. If her trait triggered on extra turns then it’d have to be tuned way down - and at that point, even if the numerical outcome averaged the same effectiveness across a match, it would feel weaker and/or boring. As it is now, she gets a trait with big impressive numbers on it (+5 is probably the biggest stat-gain-on-X trait in the game, isn’t it?) that still doesn’t break the world.
  • As always for Goblins, they’re both staggeringly vulnerable to being Frozen - and there’s still no Goblin unit in the game with Cleanse (and it’s good that there isn’t!).

The fact that they can win quickly is common to any looping team - that’s kinda their whole point. Hell, my Gard team can get way more first-turn kills thanks to having an Empowered mana generator - and again, just like Cleanse, there are no Empowered Goblins in the game (though there is an Empowered Gobchomper to push back again the new units!).

All in all, I’m happier with Gems today than I have been in forever.


I agree with you. Eventho I lose sometimes its still fun team to use. I especially love trying to win over other goblin teams. First Gob to the mill, haha :wink: :slight_smile:

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I think they’re crazy fun on offense. As usual, the issue will be defense. Goblins are back in a big way on defense, and this time there’s not even Skull baiting that can combo-break.

I set my defense to a variant of Goblins, and I just went 12-and-2 on last check-in. Time will tell if this is due to the weekly boosts, player unfamiliarity and lack of counter-play, or a legitimate concern.


I was actually going to make a specifically anti-Goblin team to try when Goblin defenses come up - I’m thinking Hero / Mono-Red, Gob-Chomper, Mab, Mercy. Still not sure about the Hero; I’m debating Gard’s Wall (stripping Greens generally hurts Goblins), Crude Club (fight cheap fast damage with cheap fast damage), Soultrap (mana drain is always good), or Warlord’s Battlecry (turn Fizzbang’s random buffs against her).

That’s a good idea – let us know if you find a good counter.