Pop goes the Weasel

in 250 event keys 3 queens and 2 kings. I decided to stop there.


Come on man…they are far from broken…

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100 event keys, two kings, two queens. In a strange twist of fate, this also netted me zero copies of Fizzbang.


192 keys, 3 kings, 1 queen. Better than last month’s rates (330 keys and 7 existing legendaries before I got the new one), but still worse than my expected values.

Are your expecting value 1 per 100 event keys when the chest contains one old and one new legendary?

:+1:t2: Got lucky it only took me 10keys to get her so stopped there. :grin:

In the absence of other information, yes.

They nerfed event keys and had the cheek to still give you non event troops in the rewards! It’s like ordering fish and chips 10x and three of those are dogshit in batter.
With no frigging chips.


Well so far I am 20 for 0 with a goblin banging team, against any meta defence, and once I start casting I hold the turn until I win, and far faster and no thought required rather than losing loop team… let’s give it a try for a week, and also se4 how it feels to be on the receiving end of them… not saying broken or nerf yet, but the early signs make me wary…

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Turn 2 - Not Broken :rofl:


Yeah now I’m 46 for 2… the two losses were against Goblin teams that charged their Fizzbang first thanks to sky drops and did to me what I am brainlessly doing to everyone else…

@sirrian @nimhain you might want to look again at these guys…

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I will go ahead and mute this thread, thank you guys!

What team you running?

Nobends/Fizzbangx2/Grapplepot with GlacialPeaks banner. You?

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Replace 2nd Fizz with Boar Rider.

Silverglade banner.

Just had Fizz adding 132 to a skill :rofl:

Tbh you can get staff of visions adding ridiculous amounts of stats to skills, I’ve had it adding 300+ for instance, it’s just that more people will probably use these troops so more people will think there’s going to be a problem.

These troops are a mistake.

Anyone remember when goblins were meta? Welcome back. :smiling_imp:


Wow. You weren’t kidding. This is Nobend-style crazy.

Posted elsewhere, but why are they called event keys when 20% of 50 event chests are troops from elsewhere? This needs to be fixed. It’s a frigging con.