Official Mean Machine / Angry Sprockets Guild Chat (All Friends Welcome)

Last time we did 9, so I think we will do about that number this time around too :slight_smile:
Itā€™s a greater reward the feeling of completing them then their rewards really. Until they drop a mythic and the whole guild is like DAMN :moneybag:!

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Donā€¦ You know that when that mythic finally drops itā€™ll be Draakulis!


Sigh. . I know xD
But at least those of us missing him will be happy :slight_smile:
And Iā€™ll be able to set 4 draak defense team!
He isnā€™t bad at all, but his problem is that he isnā€™t special. .


wait a minute if I understand good you have 2 Drakkulis?

lol Iā€™m looking for one. Maybe we can make a exchange lol.

But Iā€™m happy at least I full trait death: This week with this extra traitstones in Merchant BladeĀ“s pack made it possible.

So all of you are getting legendary tasks. mmmm Maybe I need to change my guild activity to hardcore

I suppose not Mythic in task yet?

I have 3 draaks :laughing:
And 2 plague and 1 famine and no other base mythics :confused:

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Third legendary task done:
15 glory keys, 100 glory, 6 gem keys.

ey you got 3 and many times thatĀ“s not easy

maybe I have more luck. Only 3 but all diferent

1 War
1 famine
1 Death

not bad but where is Gard,Drakkulis and maybe this last one

Plague and Abyssinia not so good for me

Death is the best one in my opinion. Followed by famine and Gard.
War and Draak can be very nice, and aby, Wulfgarok and plague are OK but not top candidates to be in some team.

Iā€™m agree with you. Death the best, and Famine the second sure

but I need drakkulis to experiment new builds lol

IĀ“m thinking in strange ones maybe useless but maybe notā€¦

I think famine is best for defence. Gard is best for offence.

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Yeah Gard isnā€™t good on defense. And famine is great, but death too. If it manages to fill fast enough death mark can devastate you.

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Fourth Legendary Task:

  • Venoxia
  • 10 Glory Keys
  • 300 Glory
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Wouldnā€™t it be great if Venoxia said ā€œjust kiddingā€ and transformed itself into some mythic troop? :smiley:


Not Draakulis, though XD


Well preferably not draakulis xD

Legendary Task #5:
25 Glory Keys
30 Minor Earth
2 Gem Keys


Yay, Minors! T_T


Who needs those stickinā€™ keysā€¦?!
But those 30 minorsā€¦ TOTALLY worth 1 million gold!!!
:astonished: :angry: :rage: :sob:

Now if those minors were 30 arcanes it would make much more sense. .


Fun fact, I always like to keep track of my average stats per week basis.

My weekly averages are-

678,500 gold and 317 trophies. Not bad for only being back in the guild for 50 days!

So iā€™m always trying to compete with this number to keep a high average.