Guild Wars - Sneak Peek II

Well, that’s how you see it. Even the easier options, like discord, is hard to implement because people just won’t join. If the players are already strongly engaged, any of these options is easy, but you’re missing the perspective of being in a new guild with new players. Instead of making us grow together, the system encourages even more than player jump ship.

And I’m just voicing my opinion that I don’t like some of the consequences of the new system. I’m not trashing it entirely. You might disagree because you want something different, that’s fine, but don’t blame it solely on the GMs. As a GM, I feel like it’s my place (and right) to speak my mind if I think it might influence the game into adapting slighter to what I honestly think is best for the vast majority of players, not just the top guilds.

The main problem (a recurrent problem here, I might add) is that most of the people (not all, of course) voicing their opinion in the forums are engaged players from top guilds, and I feel like the more casual players (which also enjoy the game) end up not being heard, rather they’re just analysed as statistics.


We didn’t even go to Discord. We figured most of our members already have Facebook so we’ll use that. Some of them STILL don’t join.

That is a short-sighted simplification of the whole thing. On the aspect you’ve mentioned, I agree with you entirely and I really like that the game implements a new mode. (I also agree 100% that the ticket system is a bad idea, by the way).

However, as I stated above, I foresee it creating even higher disparities. And I personally don’t want a game community with more disparity. Of course, as someone said, a competitive game will always have disparity (no, I don’t want a therapy session where the sky is pink as someone said). But it is already too high now, and I think it doesn’t need to get even higher. Since I strongly believe that’s one of the consequences, I’ll do what I can to prevent that.

I’m not on the dev team, so I can’t change the game. But the devs are active in the community and they read what we write, so I hope I can influence them at some level. Before someone says it, this is not entitlement. This is believing that the devs care. Ultimately, as players, we all have only two options: keep playing, or stop playing. But before it comes to that, we can - and should - try to voice our opinions, since although the devs are the ones who ultimately make the final decisions, we, the comunity, sure help shape the game.

Wow, I got carried away, my friend! :slight_smile: All that is to say that we’re not complaining (I’m not at least) about getting more rewards for doing almost nothing different. :wink: Yeah, definitely got carried away hehehe

Have a great week!


You are not alone, my friend. But I rather prefer to use a cheeky laugh than a crybeez icon → :sweat_smile:


This type of hyperbole doesn’t help, @efh313. Nobody is “crapping on a cracker” whatever that means; what we are doing is voicing concern over a system that has been suggested for a new game mechanic that limits player engagement and forces a play style onto them with no real reason for doing so.

To paraphrase what I’ve already stated above: Whoopty Doo for you that you won’t be effected by this proposed change. That’s awesome for you. Really super awesome. Seriously, I’m happy some people couldn’t care less. But maybe, just maybe yours isn’t the only play style in the game and maybe, just maybe, GoW would be healthier as a community if the mechanics that are added to GoW are more inclusive instead of more limiting? I’m not talking about everyone getting the same rewards, F that. I’m talking about everyone having an opportunity to participate without forcing them to adopt a more restrictive play style.

So maybe try to see things from the perspective of other players who aren’t you because the more inclusive the game mode is, the better it will be for everyone. It’s literally a win-win.


That may be true, and for that I apologize. I think most you know that I am NOT prone to hyperbole so pardon my momentary lapse. :wink: But my point is valid. I feel like there has been a huge outlash over something that is remarkably… unremarkable.

I am not going to take offense to this @ogunther, cause I know you are stressed and frustrated by all of this. BUT, you should know me better than that. I am always open to looking at things from other people’s perspective.

Finally, I DON’T play everyday. I LOG ON everyday. @DonBoba can tell you, it has been difficult for me lately, life is coming on strong atm, but even with that… I don’t see this as a [quote=“ogunther, post:189, topic:20320”]
more restrictive play style.

BUT RATHER as a MOTIVATOR to get me to at least get my 5 Guild War games in each day, and maybe that will be enough to encourage me to chip out a few more PvP trophies and finally put Hogun’s behind Mean Machine for GOOD this time! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I did never talked from your experience or point of view.
I am talking from my own experience.

If one wanna keep top players, we have to do everything one can to prioritize them,
and that no matter what changes might come in the game(which we have less to no control over).

If the good/top players decide to leave, at least we did everything we could to keep them by prioritizing/appreciate while they were in the guild. Believe me, you are not alone when it comes
to top players leaving. We are currently in the top 6, and have lost players to the two top guilds.
So Guild Wars is something that strikes everyone more or less. But what am I gonna do? Nothing differently than before, the same. And if we lose any top players, well at least we did our best and prioritzed/appricated them. Nothing more can be done.

How are you gonna keep the top players, MakoSipper, when you are the GM and are possibly doing the bare minimums every week? If I were you I would rather have asked myself that question first.

It’s all good discussion folks. I enjoy all of it, even if I don’t necessarily agree.

The great thing about these discussions is that the Devs actually listen to us. It’s one of THE best things about this game, IMHO.


Once again, that’s all great that you feel that way but you aren’t everyone else and to imply that people who aren’t you should just deal with it because you think you can is insulting and dismissive. You may think that you take other people’s perspective into account but you’re sure not doing that here.

Also please don’t be dismissive by trying to paint me as frustrated and stressed. I’m not either, this is just a game that I care about that I’ve spent a lot of love and time cultivating a guild for so I care about it, a lot. As such I’m happy to spend my time and energy arguing for those things that I feel will make the game better and against those thing that would make the game worse. To imply anything other is to assuming things you have no way of knowing so please don’t.


What makes you think that’s the case? Totally not the case, quite the opposite. Anyway, you did talk about my point of view when you made it sound easier than it is. And no matter how you put it, it’s not the same for the 6th guild as it is for the 3,000th guild.

But I’ll rest my case now.

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Obviously that it will strike our guild less than yours, but it was already said.

Sure, lets runaway… :sweat_smile:

Help me out here bro, how is 5 battles a day (that we already do) is restricting people?

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The arguments seem to be boiling down to two camps:

Camp 1: I think I can log in everyday, create a new team and win 5 battles; why can’t everyone else?

Camp 2: It’s not about whether I can or can’t log in everyday, it’s about me not wanting to feel forced to in order to stay competitive in a game that has never required this before (the daily log in bonus is not competitive)

So Camp 1 thinks it’s fine to force a play style they don’t think they’re going to mind on everyone else who already knows they’re going to mind.

One of these things is not like the other.


How are you being forced, i still dont get it? A guild can chose to not play guild wars all together and you would get everything you get right now when we dont have guild wars implemented yet.

You think you’ll miss out on rewards? Which rewards are we arguing about? We are yet to see any.

Besides if everyone gets at least some rewards, isnt it perfectly fair? Those who play less will get some share of rewards, those who play more with get more rewards. Isnt that as fair as it gets? You dont play for a day, you dont get rewards. Thats just normal. If you care enough for them, you play those 5 battles a day, if you dont care, youll play when you would usualy play.

Would you prefer if there was no limitation? That any guild member could play any amount of battles, making top guilds completely stomp lower guilds? I bet you wouldnt like that. 5 battles a day make it a fair play ground that every player can achieve, no matter in which tier guild they are.


While this may be true… it is also an unavoidable inevitability. As time goes on the Top Guilds that rotate out active members will continue to pull away at a rate faster than the guilds behind them can follow. At least with this mechanic, at best they can only do 900 battles a week, which means if Mean Machine does its 900 battles too then we can keep pace and depending on deck building, might have a shot at earning MORE Guild War points…

To elaborate on my statement above, anybody can choose to see 5 battles as restrictive and forcing their hand, I choose instead to see it as a personalized external motivator that will get me excited about the game again. :wink:

And in case there was any doubt, no offense taken friend! :hugging:


Are you seriously going down that path? :clap::clap::clap:

As @ogunther said, the arguements have been repeated over and over again. If you fail to accept we think differently, it’s not my job to stay here and help you achieve that. So, yeah, I’m leaving, I’ve got better things to do.


Is it really beyond you to be able to see that there’s a big difference between people who log in everyday because they want to and people who feel like they have to log in everyday because that’s the only way to maximize rewards?

It’s not that hard of a concept to understand so I don’t see why we’re going around and around.

I know what you mean, time to farm some trophies, ey… :sweat_smile:

Ive been a guild leader for 500 days mate. We raised from bottom to top. I DO understand. I know how people play. I know how people play on lowest ranks, and how people play on highest ranks. I follow everything concerning that week after week. So i know what you are aiming at.
I do understand.
I think you are exaggerating but i understand.


Pardon the pun, but apparently my attempt to extend the olive branch failed. :frowning:

While I can have no intimate knowledge of your level of frustration/stress, I do have these forums and posts and of late your demeanor has been less jovial than in the past. If I inferred incorrectly, you have my sincere apologies, I meant no disrespect.

We all care about this game… greatly, which is why we all share our opinions, which is all I was trying to do. Hope you have a great day!