Discussion: Sexuality in GoW

You know, there’s an option to make a spin-off thread from the original one, and it allows you to sort of quote a post or summary. ^^ This could have been useful here. I’ll add a link: Forgotten Experiments - #79 by LegendMaker

This brings a whole new light to your personae (no, seriously, with your nickname I always assumed you were female - basically like Tacet with his avatar ^^).

And then nature takes its course, so… porn! ^^

I’ll actually repost parts of my latest post from the other thread here, since I think only the people who wanted us out of the thread might have noticed it… Also, we appear to have lost @Personette :frowning:

Sure, but none of them are sexy, let alone sexual-ized

They had this opportunity with someone like Thrall, context wise, but they clearly didn’t go for it. For a half-naked slave with the body of Superman, he looks shockingly asexual and dignified… This also applies to the Anointed One, come to think of it - basically the Corrupt Sorceress’ two boy toys! So yeah, missed opportunities, really. I’d be very interested in the general community’s response to a male troop with art even half as overtly titillating as all we’ve discussed here, honestly. There would likely be a wave of posts along the lines of “why do you want to make me gay?”; that would be priceless. ^^