2.1 Preview - Guilds

sure you will, but not everyone is the same. Many will waste most of their gold on guild requirements, just so they can reach that cap.

Well glory keys are the only way to get good cards (other than using gems) and the best way to help Ascension. Getting more glory keys should be a great thing.

I’d love to see more gold keys, but honestly glory keys are more worthwhile (in my opinion anyways) because it helps you get the most important stuff - troops that are potentially good without costing real money.

I think the only truly fair thing would be to keep the amount of gold keys the same as what they advertised and just increase the glory keys.

We are losing so many resources that this should be a better compromise. I do think it’s lame that they took something away to give something that we’ve already had back.and it would make everyone happy, rather than choosing sides


Thanks Sirrian, look forward to he update! :grinning:

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When the new system comes into place, will we retroactively get seals for gaining a pvp tier and for won matches previously in that week?


Hmm, not bally likely…

Sirrian said in global chat over the weekend that that is his preference on the PvP tiers, he’d just have to ask others if the mechanics support it. So, maybe on that one. Already won matches on the other hand, probably not.

@Sirrian or @Nimhain - with the added kingdom stars will the troop drop off values still be at 10 troops, 200 lvls, and 30 traits?


Just want to say big thank you. You guys rock. Appreciate you taking all the feedback into consideration. Looking forward to new drop even more! :slight_smile:


^ I second that. ^

Bend, don’t break :rolling_eyes:

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There can be only 1 seal…

What are the maximum gold and glory keys now?


I was wondering this too.

Soon to find out :stuck_out_tongue:

They added plus one to the win ANY battle.
So that means 5 seals for winning any battle.
Which means…

IF PvP win stacks with ANY win then we could be earning 9 seals per PvP battle? Nice!

Did Sirrian ever confirm the stacking I mentioned above or are we still speculating?



I don’t think he (or another dev) confirmed that, but it wouldn’t make any sense otherwise. Why specifically 4 Seals for a PvP win when any win gives the same? Now even more.

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While I agree… don’t believe anything until you see for yourself!

stacking confirmed!


40k Seals earned in 24 hours also confirmed :wink:

@Sirrian does the guardian soul bonus percent raise the max per battle or is it like necromancy and only makes it easier to reach the max?


@Sirrian THANK YOU! :wink: