2.1 Preview - Guilds

People who fuss about needing more gold keys should remember what comes in the hourly tributes. Once you have most if not all of your kingdoms levelled, and you login frequently to collect tribute, you’ll have as many gold keys as you could reasonably expect to get.

That has been always my strategy to get gold keys. Never spending gold to get them.:grin:

Assuming an average of 10 keys per tribute, and collecting 10 times a day (which is a lot), I get about 700 gold keys a week. Granted, that’s not too bad, but it’s far from enough for all the minors I need and the commons I want to ascend, so every month I would spend about 2m gold to get to the desired results.

Now, we were supposed to get 2200 gold keys a week from guild tasks. That’s 3 times more than what I get from tributes. I want this. I need this. It solves all my gold problems. And if this amount is going to be reduced considerably (though we don’t know the details yet…), I have plenty reason to dislike that, no matter what you say.


There’s no way you are averaging 9 keys per tribute. Even the highest level players who have everything level 10 and 3 stars, assuming 24 kingdoms, that’s only an average expected tribute of 4.8 cities tributing every hour, translating to slightly less than 6 keys per tribute.

I know these weren’t the actual numbers. I didn’t feel like doing the exact math, so I chose a higher estimate on purpose, also for people who happen to be favored by the RNG.

Your numbers (assuming they’re correct) actually help my point, so I don’t really see the issue.

An average of five tributes/hour = an average of eight gold keys/hour, since it’s two keys/tribute not counting the first one. Gold keys are also dropped in battle. Gold keys will start being included in guild task rewards, where previously it was glory keys only, so people will be getting more minor traitstones dropped than they were before. How much more is really irrelevant, since the devs expect troop advancement to take some time, they aren’t going to give us everything we need in one week, or even one month. Some patience is required, and some picking and choosing which troops you consider to be the most important for you to advance first.

i want it all
i want it all
and i want it now!


Where’s the the countdown so I can keep close watch?


Was thinkin’ the same thing MakoSipper I iz ready!!!

I have 0 idea why people complain about minor traitstones. They are easy to get lol.

I have ~500 of each left, and have all my troops, besides most epic and above, traited for the 1st 1.

Traiting legendaries to their third trait costs a LOT of minor traitstones. I can’t remember the specific amount but it’s at least 60 minor. I think that’s estimating on the low side.

The first tier doesn’t take as many minors as the other tiers, and it only gets bad when you add them all up. If you fully upgrade a lot of higher troops you’ll realize that the hardest part can be minors in some situations (especially with red cards)

And commons, rares, and ultra rares all take less minors than legendaries and especially mythics. Common traitstones do not drop enough to warrant how many are used at one time. That’s why everyone complains.

traiting to third trait takes way too many minors.

(My comment is with the understanding that you have only traited lower tier cards to the first upgrade. That’s how I interpreted your last sentence)

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I bet he’s spending all his coins on guild tasks, but on gold chests. That’s the only explanation I can think of. Or he doesn’t spend his Glory on Reward chests. Or he farms arcane stones on challenges and pvp, rather than Explore. OR a combination of the above.

Ive got a few lg traited and yeah, no mythic base troops yet :cry:

Ive never noticed the minor though, i always get stuck on arcane and runic, so by the time i get em, ive just got a bunch of minor as well lol.

Mako, is a mix of all tbh. I spent a bunch on gold keys trying to get a couple of troops to mythic to use, and i usually only buy 1 of each glory chest, unless its stones i need, and i get a bunch from pvp explore and maps when i was doing them, although mainly i ignore maps like most everyone else lol

You need minors for every trait on every single troop, not just the first for low rarities. Second and third traits cost more than the first, and higher rarity troops also cost more. For example, it takes 78 minors all of a single color to trait any given Legendary and 66 for an epic. These rarities also take 12, and 8 major stones respectively, total. Even commons need 42 minors to fully trait, and 12 majors. You’ll get around twice as many minor stones as majors from battles, but you’ll need four to eight times as many. A fast progressing player with the ability to buy lots of glory troop packs and therefore get lots of arcanes thus can and will be bottlenecked by minors at times, especially if their guild has been getting more glory keys than they can get gold keys and they are funneling all their money into the guild. The problem is made worse by the imbalance of how many total of each color are needed, compared with which colors you are likely to get in PvP.

This is less of a problem for newer players, or players that progress slowly, or if you don’t get a whole lot of glory keys, or glory or tributes, and if you also don’t use explore mode as then arcanes or even runics can be your bottleneck.

This patch is almost sure to ease this bottleneck a bit, as the high end, faster progressing guilds will have nothing to do with their extra money but buy gold keys, and everyone else will be getting some gold keys in the mix. However, beyond like the first week, though, majors are always trash. Everything requiring majors to trait also requires minors, and more of them, and any place you can get minors also gives you majors (aside from glory packs) at roughly a rate of 2 minors to 1 major, when it needs to be at least 4:1 to be comparable.

EDIT: Forgot about base mythics. They only require 24 minor to 64 major, but there aren’t enough in existence yet to suck up the drop imbalance. By the time you get around to traiting one of these, you’ll have a gap of hundreds of majors.


I’m not sure how many of each rarity there is because i really can’t be bothered counting, but here it the count of minors to trait all the troops in the game.

                          1st        2nd        3rd

Common - 10 14 18
Rare - 12 16 20
Ultra - 14 20 26
Epic - 16 22 28
Legendary - 18 26 34
Mythic - 24

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Game just went down for maintenance, 2.1 may be incoming.


I wasn’t planning on streaming tonight… but now… xD

I guess I will just wake up super early tomorrow.

Need to get those super informative videos out early Tacet! :grin: Let the people know how to approach things in the new update.

@Tacet you forgot to spend our 1100 guild tokens

I actually didn’t. I kept them all even, so all of them will distribute even. The only mistake would have been to have 1 higher than the others, which I didn’t. (Or at least I don’t think I did. xD)

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