2.1 Arrives!

You are 100% correct @VegaDark541

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Yeah I believe this is true. The incentive is to wait til you have more currency to use on chests, which would make it no different than any other currency.

Well, you would be discouraged from using the guild seals on weeks where your guild hasn’t reached the highest rarity tier of possible rewards. I could see that being annoying for guilds that consistently fall short and you’re struggling between immediate gratification and waiting for the most efficient use of the seals.

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The beauty of that is you could move to a much better guild and take all your seal currency with you.

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I spent 1700 total seals on guild chest.
Here is the breakdown…
1000 seals 50 chest = 33 guardians 17 others
200 seals 10 chest x 3 = 0 guardians 30 others
20 seals 1 chest x 5 = 0 guardians 5 others

85 chest total = 33 guardians 52 others


Were all these chests once you hit the 40k cap or were some before?

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Keys aren’t there either. Maybe seals are grouped with them because they are currently only used for opening chests.

Although I personally think that keys should be there too.

Like souls do? Oh, wait, they don’t. neither do maps, keys (of any type), or traitstones. All of these accumulate over time, but that does not give them an automatic ticket to a counter on the world maps. Why should seals get one?


The only use souls and keys have are for leveling up troops, and opening chests. If they plan to do more with seals, then it makes it different which is what I said. I’m talking universal currencies. Not just currencies that only serve one purpose. Similar to glory in which you earn glory every battle. Glory is universal, so I’m asking if seals are going to be the same.

Wait, so you asked and were told (by someone who was not a dev) that seals will have other uses in the future but will still never get a counter because it does not accumulate, and you simply believed that and spent all your seals?

I honestly don’t know what to say to that…

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@Esoxnepa i opened those at 40k chest lvl.

I spent 12 keys and got 6 diffrent guardians at the first level chest. Just to get all troops for ocd sakes.

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I’m not entirely sure this is working as well as you think. I’m in a lower tier guild, one that will never expect to get the stat bonuses. I’m level 550-ish, with most kingdoms 3 starred, and a handful 5 starred. The last couple days, my PvP matches offered, even at the 3-trophy level, have been primarily versus lower ranked players in top tier guilds. Because they’ve got the stat bonuses, their team score pushes them up to my 3-trophy match. But because they’re low level, they don’t have maxed kingdoms, and beating those players doesn’t pay out as much gold, compared to the matches I used to get vs lvl 1000 players.

Maybe this is only my experience, but I’ve gone from 2.5-3k avg gold per match, down to 2-2.5k, still only doing 3 trophy matches. The difference has been the lower average level of the opponents I’ve faced.

No but thanks for reading.

If not that, then what? Why did you spend you seals?

Someone simply told you that they don’t accumulate? Then why all the talk about a counter and other uses, how is it relevant?


Someone (not dev) told you there will be no counter, or there will be other uses? Why would you ever believe a non-dev about such things?

OR… What?

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That seals would never be accumulative over time from week to week as a currency. It’s relevant because my original post was “Begs the question if we will ever get a seal counter up top,” which you weren’t a part of. It’s relevant because if it can accumulate as a currency, then perhaps later it will be spendable on more things other than just chests. Thus needing a counter. I was thinking for the future, not just now. It was a general question.

You know sometimes people get these crazy things called ideas.

Is that on the forum? Would you care to link/quote that reply? I’m interested in reading what’s actually written there.

All I got on the forums was a link to what sirrian stated, and as you can see, there was a lot of confusion over just that. No, it’s not on the forums.

Is Dragon’s Claw still being released this week?

We hoping so at the moment.


Did you (@DEMONorANGEL) spend money to have more seals? Or we can earn more than 1500 sels by week?

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You, or a Guildmate of yours, needs to spend money to break the 1500 Seals cap.