⚡ The 4x Speed Option ⚡

:rofl: :joy: I hope you all get it soon

I’m with @lyya - this is a temporary issue, and the protests smack of childishness.


Perhaps this is because you know how long it will be until the mobile gets the update?

3 months = not a big deal
6+ months = a significant difference.

@Saltypatra Any ability to mention how long until the mobile Unity update will be coming? So that we can add some statistics into the divergence of play speed.

PC and mobile has, until now, had complete parity. Now PC players can get 4x the number of games played. For me that is quite an issue. Just because you disagree, doesn’t mean it’s childish. God knows you have moaned enough about other things.


It is easy to agree with you. This is VERY unfair for all mobile users, there is no other answers.
I am mainly a PC player, but it’s easy to support the mobile players in this case.


LOL there is a big difference sir.
i usually do 700 battles on a good week.
Its day 5 and i have only really played 3 or 4 hrs a day.

1k battles on PC (my wifes and she is pissed lol)

On mobile its really slow compared with PC.
If it will only take a couple of weeks to get mobile up to speed … so to speak… that might not be bad.
As it is its really unfair to mobile users. (GLAD IM NOT ONE OF THEM)


wow, 194 defense wins, 242 defense losses, well done! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing this info and photo proof.
I am happy for the update but as a primarily mobile player, I am concerned about the time it will take to get mobile up to speed, pardon the pun! :wink:

Seriously though, this can get out of hand quickly but I think the biggest “issue” is that until now PC/Mobile has always been identical. Now there is a distinct difference and it makes the mobile version feel like the red headed step child for the time being. :frowning:

No offense intended to any red headed step children reading this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As a console player, I have to selfishly say, I’m glad it isn’t us for the first time ever. That said, I’m sure the devs will push Unity out to mobile as fast as possible (even risking some bugs in doing so). They won’t want to leave the disparity in place for longer than they absolutely need to. The server migration is the best recent parallel, and that happened within a week or two as I recall.


I was so excited about playing on PS4 but then when I found out accounts wouldn’t link cross platform… I had to stick with PC/Mobile.

But I understand your sentiment Stan! Console has had it rougher than us for sure.


Perhaps the best solution would be to temporarily disable the super speed option on Steam until it’s available to mobile players? Keep the playing field more level…


An easy and simple solution. It really isn’t playing on the same playing field right now.


nah, too much coding. probably easier if everyone buy a pc :stuck_out_tongue:

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