Your predictions for future hero gems? (Or ideas?)

Looking through the “hero gem guide”, I’m seeing certain areas we don’t currently have hero gems for, and I’m guessing they’ll be added at some point soon(ish). Just wondering what people think the hero gem will be called and/or will look like. This can be either as a prediction or a suggestion of what you think would be cool.
Also, other than the areas I’m seeing, what else do you think they’ll add or would you like them to add? And what do you see coming soon?

I notice we don’t have gems that do the following:

  • Reward gems. We have gems that give gold and gems that give souls, so we could get one that gives glory, since it’s another currency we all use. They could also add gems that give gem currency, but I doubt they will. Or keys and treasure maps, since you can already earn them during battles. Maybe even jewels and other stuff, but obviously the rarer the currency the less likely they are to add it.
  • Positive Status Effects. We have Barrier (in PvP only) and Bless (Angel) gems, but not ones for Enchant, Enrage, Reflect or Submerge. So we could get gems that give an ally (or all allies) those effects.
  • Negative Status Effects. We have Burn, Curse, Death Mark, Entangle, Fairie Fire, Frozen, Lycantropy, Stun, Terror and Web, which is a lot, but we are still missing Bleed, Disease, Hunter’s Mark, Poison and Silence. So we could could get gems that inflict those effects on an enemy or all enemies.
  • Mana Burn. We have Mana Drain (Spirit) gems, but Mana Burn could be doable. A gem that when destroyed would inflict Mana Burn on a random enemy or on all enemies. Obviously, it wouldn’t be being triggered by a troop, so it wouldn’t get a magic score to be boosted by, unless it works from the magic of your first troop. Either way, not super powerful.
  • Explosions. We already have lots of hero gems that just cause explosions, some granting extra mana (giant gems, elemental/umbral stars) and some just destroying gems (bomb, dragon, blue/yellow lightning), as well as the hero skulls which deal damage and explode (doomskulls and uber doomskulls). But potentially, if they have no other ideas, I guess they can add new hero gems with different explosion patterns (like spirals or something).
  • Skull Potion. It would probably be called something else, but we have potion gems (that create 7-11 gems of a given colour) when matched or destroyed, so we could also have a gem which does the same thing, but creates skulls instead. So, when matched with skulls or destroyed, it would create 7-11 skulls on the board.

Not sure what else they can add, without introducing new mechanics, but let me know what you think. I know a lot of the existing hero gems aren’t popular, especially when they invade game modes (like PvP at the moment), but the devs seem to like adding new ones, anyway. So what do you think they’re likely to add next?

I think a “Glory Gem” could be viable (Glory tasks have always been annoying for largely counting only PVP), except Glory is a post-battle reward, not strictly something that is even tracked during battle.

A Gem that creates Skulls sounds like a hard NO to me. Though at least it wouldn’t have the problem of filling up Troops who can in turn create more Potions (creating a looping situation).

Treasure Maps can already be farmed directly (Kris Krinkle), we don’t really need a special Gem to do that.

How about a Gem to alter troop order in some fashion?

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jesus no stop trolling


Storm Gems - Colored Gems with a cloud inside that when matched, destroyed or exploded make a storm of their designated color, ie, Green makes Leafstorm, Blue makes Icestorm, etc.

Yin/Yang Gems - Prolly for a Shengtang Mythic but Yin Gems would lower all of a random enemy’s stats by 10 and Yang would raise all of a random ally’s stats by 10 or whatever value would be rational.


1.99 $ Gems sigils.

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Yeah, given that it’s not tracked in-battle, I’m not sure if it would be an option, but of the currencies we have, it seems one of the best for them to add.

To be fair, we had troops to farm gold and souls, but they added gems for them, so they might add map gems. We really need some way to spend the maps easier, if they did add that, though.

Well, we have terror, but it’s not quite the same. A “knockback” gem that sends a troop to the last position, or “challenge” gem that pulls them to the first position, might be doable. Annoying, but they could do it.

I really like that as a suggestion. Even a colourless gem that matches with anything (like wildcard gems) and makes a storm of the colour it matches with, would work, but having a storm gem in each colour would be a cool option.

Could definitely see this fitting with Shentang, and sounds like a great idea.

It gives you the money? Or you have to spend the money for it to match and give you mana? :rofl:

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Spitballing, not trolling.

Sounds neat. Because storms count down every turn passed (player and cpu) they functionally only last half as long as the counter says it does. Maybe the duration of the storm they trigger is based on largest match size?


Some variation of a Skull gem that, when matched, scatters the damage dealt (instead of dealing it to just the 1st Troop).


FWIW a skull creating gem does exist in PQ3, so it’s not impossible it could arrive here, as many ideas seem to get cross pollinated these days.

It only creates 2-3 skulls but PQ3 mechanics allow multiple moves per turn so you can activate several at once and move them around more easily

2-3 skulls in GOW seems like it wouldn’t be OP, just add a little extra to an existing skull team or they could backfire on you. It might depend how they activate, if they match with skulls or a color or if they’d have to be exploded or destroyed

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