You ran out of gems

Actually, I’m not sure if you’re referring to the end-of-event weekly Ranking rewards for climbing the PvP ladder, and saying they didn’t show up for you…

I rather wish that the in-game Shop didn’t reference the troop packs that we purchase with Glory as the “Rewards” tab. This is sort of misleading IMHO and leads to the terminology confusion I’m having here. Since we still have to purchase the item, and it isn’t automatically gifted for player achievement, I personally think that the “Rewards” tab ought to be called something else.

I would have gotten glory keys if it had. That, 100 glory, 300 souls… don’t care about the gold…

Ah. Gotcha. No end-of-event PvP rewards, no troop event packs nor paid Shop bundles.

On the XB1 they might have to put up FOUR event shop bundles to make up for last week’s non-starter?

Think we should wait to do daily sign-in later after it’s all sorted.

Also, I’m wondering if the Arena hero weapon cloning bug can be addressed in a mini hotfix. Hope so… the mana-denial battles between our top troop and the A.I.'s are more tense than any I’ve had in Arena.

Nice arena team line-up.

Rank put number between 1 and 15 rewards for the event switch are not live on either console.

peeved horse noises

If you restart the game you will get a bonus daily reward (if you had already logged in today) and your event rewards for PVP.

That works.

Guild donations on the other hoof…