Yes I know another maw thread

I’m not suggesting we need power creep. That would imply that every new troop is more powerful than the last.

Establish a baseline using existing power levels, boost existing troops if needed, and then make sure new troops don’t screw it up.

Widespread neutering of troops is a teriribly flawed strategy when people have paid real money for some of them. It’s a good way to lose customers and revenue.

So what should they do when they do “screw it up”?

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A new defense is up now, should be fun to face, never seen this line up before

I’ll let you know when I find you again and see this enigmatic team

Nerfing an individual troop here are there will always be necessary. They can’t anticipate every contingency. However, they openly admitted that they were likely aware Astral was going to be a problem before release. That means being a tad more careful.

Keep in mind that there were some in this thread to whom I was originally responding, that suggested any one of a couple dozen troops needed nerfs. Like I said, that’s a good way to alienate paying customers.

I don’t think it’s worth catering to paying customers who don’t care about the game’s long-term health, and would rather see it die than have their favorite troop nerfed.


Not sure if maw was nerfed or buffed. To me maw seems worth playing more now that the third trait is reworked. In some way it seems like maw became an imp. You know, “match x gem gain stats.” This makes me ponder, is this the best move for maw or worse. Maw is normally paired with a skull generator so this change did not alter that, so really what did it do to team comp? My answer nothing, it did not nerf the team comp at all.

Maw is great right now still as offense. Unless the other team is full impervious.

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When did this happen, again?

Astral Spirit came out of the box too strong. Sirrian admitted it via mea culpa at the announcement of the adjustment. I’m not sure that augmenting every single troop’s health is wiser than toning down the damage.

Maw was arguably buffed, so…


And even if the other team is Impervious, he’s better off now that 15% of his attacks aren’t rendered useless. Plus he grows on skull matches so he can just brute-force his way through.


Yeah but you’d be better off with something else on skull matches was my point. Like Archer Hero.

There it is again, that air of superiority.

Not wanting wholesale changes to large numbers of cards <> no interest in the game’s long-term health.

I’m not suggesting it HAS happened. It has, however, been suggested by a few that it SHOULD happen, and I strongly disagree.

How long has it been between this current nerf and the last one? ! or 2 weeks, maybe a month? (not including the nerf to goblins during the team type rework)

I go with “!” Any excuse to show some excitement :wink:

Sorry i suck at typing that it becomes nonsensical at times.

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I was just joking I thought it was funny, if you saw the stuff I posted you would see far more typos then that lol

I know, i was acknowledging it. I like you. You are one of the best story tellers and jokers here. I also know you have a serious side which i can respect.

Thanks for your kind words @killerman3333, they mean a lot

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Wrote a page and a half for Gobby, now playing some MHG (MHX) before crashing

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