Worse than Bone Dragon: The Invisible Threat

The competitive field is more than likely oriented to better min/max results, so using a subpar troop because of a trait that can generate another troop for soul gain is adding too much unnecessary work, the extra time you are using for soul gain, in this fashion, would be better used farming souls with a team properly oriented to that.
Removing armor is without a doubt what makes Bone Dragon superior allowing him to kill enemies much faster than Keep of Souls could allow.


I was referring to a team line-up that uses both valk and KoS.
Burning Bones
Jarl Firemantle***
Giant spider***

After the valk nerf, this team actually got buffed. Weirdly enough, the original used bone dragon, and after the nerf i am not sure if going back to bone dragon is actually a good idea.

I might reached the point of getting bored while I was in a top guild short after I joined the game.
When I was in the guild, I know I will definitely get everything (Well, I missed War and some Imp) every week. And It only took me 100 days to mythic everything, and 7 stars 10 kingdoms. Thus, I consider myself as end-game player. I only do things to reach requirement.

That I know, I should try to love the game again, because I think I missed another fun part of the game. Shortly, I left the guild because i actually had a changing event in my life too… And now I created schmall guild that we barely finished any tasks every week. I actually gain the strength to keep playing (or maybe I am playing more now), because I am happy that I know I can make some new players happy in my guild, even I realized that I will missed few new troops every week, yes I add Gard to the list.

It is entirely your choice to fight the boredom. To stay in the game, or quit (maybe for a while, so that you have something to catch up when you’re back again)

Sorry for my grammar or so, it’s not my main language.


You asked why people used Bone Dragon instead of Keep of Souls, and if the answers weren’t clear enough:

  • People create teams using many factors in mind, while you like to use your troops to you own comtempt others are simply seeking the min/max returns of better strategies.
  • So it’s pointless to try to “persuade” you in this fashion because you are not truly asking why one troop is being used over another having the same mindset used in higher competitve teams, you are asking because you think you can do just as better using your own mindset. A proof of that is that you backed up you answers to Don Bobba poorly and after my answer you then gave the reference you were using mentioning Valkyrie and the rest of the team.
  • I’m not saying your team is bad, whatever you use that retains fun to you is great, but there is no debate in the values comparing two troops alone. I can argue that Peasant is a powerhouse if i back him up with Mercy***, Infernal King*** and Sheggra***…

I wanted to know why bone dragon was better than KoS in a manner that was non-debatable. To say one has better traits than another is debatable, to say that one has cheaper mana cost either for its spell is not. If players are using a loop team that shatters armour and then uses that to boost skull damage, then yes that team as a whole is strong. I see bone dragon as a threat, one that has high risk and high reward. If he misses, his third trait mitigates that risk assuming bone dragon is the one hit, this is non-debatable as well. In a vacuum, bone dragon seems inferior to KoS. I say this because there is no need to mitigate risk. An unupgraded KoS is about as threatening as threatening as an upgraded one, they both can produce the same number of skulls. Bone dragon is only as strong as his opponents. This might be great on the outset, however where i am at, the armour just is not enough to make bone dragon viable. Bone dragon does need a nerf as his spell cost covers 3 effects to KoS’s one, If this was based solely on strat, you get better control of skulls with KoS, all of this should be obvious for end game players, yet making the argument that bone dragon is better based on debatable reasons instead of facts made the debate actually happen.

That’s because you (deliberately, perhaps) remain far from endgame. For all perspectives pertinent to the discussion at hand, Bone Dragon is no-risk, all-reward. A few days at endgame would make the gigantic power gap between BD and KoS blindingly obvious.


Well there is one risk that kept me using KoS over BD for a long time when I was using them. The chance that BD doesn’t create a match 4 or 5 on his skull spawn. Leaves the board full of skulls for the enemy team to chew up my team. High armor levels do help lessen that chance but it still can happen. My favorite thing about KoS was the control it gave when firing his spell. I knew exactly where and how the skulls were going to be put on the board. I will admit a bit less reward but a whole boatload of less risk.

Oh of course, because everyone plays this game with weak troops. How stupid of me to think otherwise…

Do you have some kind of disability or impaired understanding in some level or are you just stubborn to no end just for the pure sake of arguing? Maybe i couldn’t express myself clearly, but revising my points i didn’t find a flaw when i said:

If everyone is playing at max potential, then yes Bone Dragon will, always in the competive/end level that is all about what’s been discussed about it, generate a number of skulls that Keeper of Souls can only dream about. And taking into account the current state that those skulls are counting as multiple combinations you can safely obliterate any troop even if it has Barrier, as it was demonstrated by @KrudlerTheHorse (i can’t seem to find the video/gif now… weird.)

If playing at an average field you can and will be able to make better use of Keeper of Souls, but this is not the point, at all, while discussing “Bone JHON CENA Dragon” and the interactions that are currently in the meta.

But you know what? Forget it, one of us is clearly wrong and wasting his time, so i’m going to assume that it’s me in both cases. This way i will at least not waste my time despite being wrong.
Have a good day.


Yaaaaay I figured it out, which makes me smarter than tacet, but still dumber than quite a few others here XD

You said “if he misses”. For endgame players he simply doesn’t miss. So your entire argument is out the window.

I think the problem here is that killerman is being a bit autistic with the term “better” here even though he is now realizing (what he should have earlier) that the ones consdiering him better are very high level.

And be very high level, you probably ment anyone above 250th level. Probably above 200th too.

4 cxyxcxyc or whatever does counter bd but is still autolose, maybe crew could make more 0 def high life instead’ cards along a reasonable bd nerf like 7:1 scaling on his skull creation.

I simply call horse crap on the mythical team.