World event scoring system

I can’t see the world event scoring system anywhere. Has it been posted anywhere please?


You can find the following rewards for each of the different battles you may encounter.

  • Servant of the Dao: 1 Crown Key
  • Ifrit: 2 Crown Keys
  • Al-Mundhir: 2 Crown Keys
  • Obregonia: 8 Crown Jewels
  • Geryon: 9 Crown Jewels
  • Dao: 5 Crown Keys

Each Crown Key is worth 5 points, and each Crown Jewel is worth 2 points. The battles against Servant of the Dao, Ifrit, Al-Mundhir, and Dao will drop a variable number of Crown Keys (on average about 1.18x the base amount).


Doing the math:

Points Battle
25 Dao
18 Geryon
16 Obregonia
10 Al-Mundhir, Ifrit
5 Servant of the Dao

There is, of course, the still open feedback to provide this information in a less arbitrarily obfuscated way. Maybe the officials will read it one day in the far future.


Thanks so much!

They are late with posting the official weekly announcement thread, I see.

Still nothing.

I just got 12 keys (60 points) for beating Dao… working as intended?


FYI, there was no official World Event scoring details posted here in forum, something that wouldn’t be an issue if the scoring details were in-game e.g. in the Lore section of the world event screen.
:pray: :vulcan_salute: