Wizz-Bang! (title changed so it won't attract attention)

A long time ago when i first started playing, the mana surge was going off pretty frequently, my wife told me to turn it off in an impolite manner. Well over a year later, I still have the sound off :slight_smile:

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I’m on Xbox (just as a frame of reference). I don’t ever play with Music on. As for Sound, I sometimes have it on, but quietly. This is usually when I’m too lazy to put on ear buds and plug them into my phone or Xbox controller and listen to Pandora or Spotify or the like.

Sometimes I even prop my phone up with a stand and “watch” Hulu, Netflix, or YouTube videos while I play with ear buds in. Any time I’m listening or watching something, as I said above, then I always mute my tv while I play.

I don’t actually slide the sound bar down, very often, because then I forgot to slide it back up when I want it on. Its much easier for me to just hit the mute button on my tv, unless I’m listening to something through the controller, then I have to slide the Sound off.