Will skull damage ever be fixed?

As I have just learned, Switch apparently does record the last 30 seconds of gameplay. But that assumes I have the desire to watch the recording, advance through it frame-by-frame (since at 4x speed I’m not likely to get anything of use), and calculate the numbers lol.

Your point is well taken, and I’ll do it next time I notice something particularly egregious, but that’s asking a lot of players.

It’s actually pretty nice on switch. Easy to go through and trim it. Posting is easy as well. When something happens just immediately record it. Then you know it’s right towards the end of the clip.

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Thanks for the protip, I’m using this feature now whenever something weird happens. I think I use and benefit from doomskulls more than my opponents in most cases, so I haven’t noticed anything weird yet.

I guess I’ll post here next time I notice a doomskull glitch?

EDIT: Found something, maybe. My Glaycion’s attack was 43; I made a 4-match of skulls that included 3 doomskulls; the blast radius hit 3 more doomskulls and a regular skull. What should the total damage be?

By my math, it should have been 75. Instead, it did 82. On top of that, the HUD said “-66” as the damage lol. Can anybody figure out why that would have happened? Regular pvp, hero was Stormcalller, damage was to Lamashtu. It was week of daemons, would the increased stats have affected the damage here?

This example highlights the two points I think Earnham was making in the first post: a) we have no official documentation on skull damage, so we don’t know how these interactions are supposed to go, and b) even based on expected behavior, we are getting weird and inconsistent results.

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Sorry, I dont know how long ago you edited as it does not alert me from an edit. Yes 75 is correct. 43 + 15 + 1 for 4 match + 15 + 1.

All bonuses are added before fight starts and traits are added at start of fight. Whatever glaycions attack was as you were attacking is what it hits for unless you have a trait somewhere that says otherwise.

Skull damage is wrong constantly and not enough people care enough to pay attention.

Thanks, glad I’m not missing something obvious.

Yeah, I think the playerbase doesn’t care as much because it benefits them far more frequently than it hurts them. I’m surprised the devs haven’t given you a straight answer though, they’ve been very responsive to my bug reports in the past.

Just out of curiosity:

I know skull damage is based on the attack stat. So if my attack is 50 then I do 50 damage but what is the value if I link 4 skulls or even 5 skulls? Thanks

4 skulls = 51 damage

5+skulls = 52 damage

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When your in bracket 1 guild wars and something with 45 attack kills you when you have 200 life. That is when I started paying attention. I mean, I would notice little things here and there, but did not care that much. Never thought there were that big of skull bugs until that happened to me, and then I started paying attention.

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It seems that the algorithm for doomskull damage is severely flawed. I for one would like to see it. Lord of slaughter will increase the latency of this bug when used in defence, as it inevitably will be.

What would you like to see?

i don’t see any problems in skull match, it works consistently.

how it’s calculated, blurred for people don’t want to see algebra

skull match works like this:
match 3 deals damage equal to attack of first slot, let’s call it att for short.
match n (n is the number of skulls) deals damage att + n - 3
2 match 3 at the same time deal att twice, so a full screen of skull deals attack+61 damage, when att is bigger than 61, yeah, 2 match 3 will deal more damage than full screen of skulls.

when there are doomskulls
match n with m doomskulls (when doomskulls won’t explode more skulls or doomskulls), att + n - 3 + 5m

I respect your theory and reasoning but that’s not what actually happens. That’s why I want to see the algorithm that is being used.

5+ skulls no matter how many is 2 extra damage. Should always test out stuff.
This is a shot before their 19 damage plus a near screen full of skulls.

It is what it is.


Thank you for the screenshots @Earnham I’ve reported this to the team.
The skull damage should be the 1st Troop’s attack damage for the 3 skull match +1 damage for each extra skull that’s part of the same match.

So in your screenshot we expected 67 skull damage (19 attack damage + 48 extra skulls).


Why does it say critical hit if the damage is the same whether it says it or not?

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Wow…2 extra damage for all that. I bet you were devastated lol.


could you also tell team to check doomskull damage, as their damage seems to be bypassing any skull reduction traits (with eternal stonehammer being great example of that)

unless that works as intended and doomskull damage was planned to deal damage which cannot be reduced or neglected by traits (wondered for some time if it wasn’t treated as magic damage, but seems like it’s unaffected by spell reduction either - need to run some tests to be sure)

Doomskulls explode as part of matching them. As much as I know destroyed/exploded skulls count as “special damage”, meaning it never gets reduced in any way.

But the damage from doomskulls can be dodged with the skull damage. Also hunters marked troops take double damage from all skulls, even when they are exploded.

However we look at how skull damage is supposed to work compared to how it actually works it is all wrong. Damage is not applied correctly, traits are inconsistent with each other, you can dodge an entire board full of doomskulls if it’s off a skull match but not if the board is exploded.

I could go on and on.


These guys don’t understand the reality of the situation.